Science-Based Tips on How to Feel More Confident at Work
Would you like to feel more confident at work?
Do you wish you knew a few things that would help you build confidence and feel less anxious about your career?
Well, you’re not alone.?According to Scientific American, only 1% of the population has total confidence.?Who are those people?
That’s right, psychopaths.
So, if you’re in the other 99% who feel a little bit insecure, you’re in good company.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t all use a dose of confidence every once in a while, so let’s get started.
Tip #1 on how to build self-confidence – give yourself a break.?As Dr. Ellen Hendriksen writes in How to Be Yourself, self-doubt is actually good for us. It helps us monitor our actions and work towards getting along with others.
So remember, self-doubt is normal. Everyone, except the psychopaths, has it. So give yourself a little bit of a break.
Tip #2 – Recognize that confidence is the product of action.
What does that mean? It means that confidence happens when you remember your successes.
And success comes in many forms – are you a kind person? Then you’re successful. Do friends rely on you for advice? Then you’re successful. Do you help others? Then you’re successful.
Remember, confidence is the product of action. In other words, you gain confidence when you remember your successes.
Tip #3 – Change your first line of code.
This was taught to me by my brother who pointed out that the human brain is like a software program. You can have half a million lines of amazing software code, but if that first line of code is broken, it doesn’t matter how brilliant the rest of the code is. The software program won’t run because it can’t get past the first line of code.
So ask yourself, “What is my first line of code?” In other words, what’s that first message you always tell yourself.
Is it that you’re not good enough? That you’re not popular? That you know someone who is funnier, smarter, better looking … all of the above?
In order to build self-confidence, you have to change that first line of code.
Which brings us to tip #4 – Adjust your physiology.
A study at Harvard University and later confirmed in a larger study found that people who take on the Wonder Woman Power Pose for 2 minutes are 33% more likely to take action on the challenges they face.
That’s right, your physiology has a direct impact on how you feel about yourself.
As Tony Robins says, “Emotion comes from motion” so don’t be afraid to take on the Wonder Woman pose every now and then.
Tip #5 – Every day, write down one thing you’re grateful for.?Oprah Winfrey does this and she says it’s one of the most powerful things she does to gain confidence, to feel good about things, and to improve her optimism.
It sounds simple – and it is –?but gratitude can change the attitude.
If you'd like to learn more about using a gratitude journal to reduce stress and to feel more confident, check out my short video by clicking?here?or by clicking the image below.
About the Author: Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized author, professor, consultant, and speaker who has helped employees at The Coca-Cola Company, Holiday Inn, Microsoft, Verizon and others do a better job leading, managing, and mentoring others. You may have seen Jamie in Inc., Entrepreneur, Business Insider, or Forbes. He's also a regular guest on CNN and HLN, where he delivers segments on marketing, persuasion, and leadership. Jamie is the co-author of several essential business books and his YouTube channel was designated one of the "Top 10 Business YouTube Channels" in the nation by