Schrijnwerkers Blueberries
Schrijnwerkers has been actively growing blueberries since 1969.
Owner Leon Schrijnwerkers is the second generation at the helm of the company. He grew up surrounded by blueberries, and his organisation can benefit from 50 years of experience. This wealth of experience is used by Schrijnwerkers at his own company to grow and propagate blueberry plants of absolute top quality. The latest techniques are used in this process.
The family business has developed into one of the leading blueberry companies in Europe and has two ultramodern locations in the southeast of the Netherlands.
Over the past decades, Schrijnwerkers Plants has built up an extensive portfolio of early, mid and late blueberry varieties. At the site in Horst, blueberries are grown on 15 hectares, while 20 kilometers away in Overloon some 1.5 million blueberry plants are propagated, including various (new) licensed varieties for Europe.
In collaboration with fellow-grower Harm Valckx, Schrijnwerkers also operates a 75-hectare blueberry farm in Weeze, Germany and a packing station at the fruit and vegetable auction in Venlo.
These plants are sold throughout Europe. Thanks to their cooperation with major blueberry breeders, Schrijnwerkers offers the latest (licensed) varieties. These varieties are suitable for growing in the (changing) climate conditions in Europe.
All plant material is Naktuinbouw certified and propagated using the latest techniques. Plants are propagated using the microcutting technique.? To guarantee optimal rooting right to the base of the pot, the entire cultivation area consists of lava-based surfaces. This ensures optimal drainage.
Nothing but the best quality is good enough for Schrijnwerkers Plants!
Schrijnwerkers varieties are categorized according to the order of ripening in the season.
Schrijnwerkers team is happy to advise you on the best suited varieties for your cultivation methods and region.
For more information