Schools : Go solar with SunstoX

Schools : Go solar with SunstoX

As a school, you have the opportunity to install solar and utilise the idle rooftops without any upfront investment - and there are a number of benefits you can leverage from this.

Solar energy is an abundant and clean energy source that can be used to power homes, businesses, and schools. Schools have a great opportunity to leverage solar energy to reduce their electricity bills, utilize otherwise idle rooftop, and promote solar installation as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Sunstox is a platform that helps schools install solar energy systems without any upfront investment. With Sunstox, schools can get rooftop solar systems installed at no cost and benefit from reduced electricity bills and utilisation of idle rooftops. Furthermore, Sunstox also offers the unique opportunity for school communities, including parents of the school kids, to invest in the solar projects and earn revenues for the next 20 years.

The installation of solar energy systems is a great way to reduce the school’s electricity bills and take advantage of an otherwise idle rooftop. Schools can also use solar installations as a way to promote sustainability and environmentally friendly investments. Sunstox will also organise solar awareness campaigns to educate students, teachers, and parents about the importance of solar energy and its positive impact on the environment.

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Moreover, #schools can also use the solar installations as a way to promote their CSR initiatives. By investing in solar energy, schools can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Furthermore, when parents are involved in the solar investments, their involvement with the school is increased.

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In conclusion, schools have the great opportunity to leverage solar energy to reduce their electricity bills, utilize otherwise idle rooftops, and promote solar installation as a part of their CSR initiatives. Sunstox provides an easy way to get rooftop solar systems installed at no cost and benefit from reduced electricity bills. Also, Sunstox’s platform offers the unique opportunity for school communities, including parents of the school kids, to invest in the solar projects and earn revenues for the next 20 years. With Sunstox, schools can take advantage of all the benefits of solar energy without any upfront investment

At Sunstox, we understand the need for #schoolsofindia to find creative solutions to reduce their electricity costs while also becoming more socially and environmentally responsible. Our solutions are designed to ensure that your school can reduce its electricity bills and take advantage of your roof tops and other resources without any upfront investment. Contact us today to learn more about how Sunstox can help your school. [email protected]


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