BE School | Women Wednesday with Franky Brown
It's Wednesday! It's also Valentine's Day today too. So it's serendipitous that this week we got to catch up with Franky, who we love dearly at BE School, for our Women Wednesday interview. Franky is from the UK and currently lives in Canada. She is the founder of BiiBii (pronounced bee-bee) which is a Calgary based company that provides advertising for childcare and dayhomes. BiiBii helps parents to search for childcare and providers to connect with families - in one place!
BE: Hey Franky! It's been too long. Are you ready for the questions?
Franky: You bet!
BE: Okay, first question. If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
Franky: Wow, this is a great question. Hmmm, I'm not sure. Maybe my indecisiveness? Haha!
In all seriousness, if I had to choose one thing, it would definitely be the amount of time I’m able to spend with the people I love unconditionally, and vice versa. Living so far away from “home” [the UK] can come with obvious struggles and having those loyal relationships in your life, I believe, is so important. Technology is fantastic for keeping in touch but a good old-fashioned hug – nothing beats it!
BE: We agree. We are sending digital hugs to you! Next Question. Where is your favourite place to go in Mexico City?
Franky: Sadly, I have never been to Mexico City.
BE: We're done here Franky! Seriously?!
Franky: I know, I know. It is on my list of places to visit! From the photographs I’ve seen, it looks incredible. Also, authentic Mexican food, who could say no to that?
I'm Super excited to be visiting the Riviera Maya next month, though! Sorry, the beach won this time. Pinky promise, my next trip to Mexico will be Mexico City (or CDMX if that's you call it). Considering two of my favourite people in the world live there - it’s about time!
BE: Nice save. Okay - what is your definition of success?
Franky: I believe that success can be defined in many different ways depending on your objective and what is most important to you. Personally, I measure my own success on how I am feeling at the end of the day! Have I accomplished what I set out to do today? More importantly, I question whether I am going to bed feeling happy! If so, it's been a successful day.
BE: If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
Franky: Probably, the ability to fly or teleport! Basically, just to be able to travel at supersonic speed and visit lots of different places. Including Mexico City of course!
BE: Yes! That would be brilliant. Okay, final question. Why is it important to be bilingual today?
Franky: After moving to Canada, 9 years ago, I quickly came to realise the importance of being bilingual. Becoming a business owner and having a team of staff who are 100% bilingual, it has proven to be extremely significant. Not only do I think it opens up career opportunities but it allows people to experience social, cultural and travel benefits, as well.
I can speak "Yorkshire" – do I qualify as bilingual?
BE: Ey up! You do in our book, duck!
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