School Syllabus
Observed a third graders science text book. ICSE.
Concepts beyond his capacity and requirement.
Inability to connect with the boring blah blah in the book.
Rote learning preferred limiting creativity and admission of different learning techniques.
Disconnect with current lifestyle and exposure. Suitable for persons from 20 years ago.
Quantity over quality, confusion over clarity preferred mode of imparting education.
"Interesting" is now an unknown factor.
Strange projects downloaded to parent, while child struggles with mugging and learning whatever that is.
Inappropriate use of Internet for a child of 8 for school projects. Waste of air waves for stupid research that can be done in advance and provided.
Diagrams that an 8 year old cannot execute.
Over described unnecessary topics consuming time bytes.
Conclusion: Shaming at annual results for poor performance, threats to delete kid from school rosters.
Syllabus has to change reflecting needs, times, capacity, and different exposure of the current times.