School Sustainability Strategy & Framework
Empowering Sustainability Excellence

School Sustainability Strategy & Framework

当我们国内大部分院校还没有有效开展环境与职业健康安全运营管理之时,可持续发展,ESG,碳中和等一系列的“潮流”已经呼啸而来。虽然对于环境与健康安全(EHS)问题,我们关注的重点在制造业,但这并不代表教育院校没有这方面的问题和风险,高校设备设施运营,实验室安全,消防隐患,废弃物管理,教职工自身环境健康安全的认知能力,学生心理健康等问题,都是实实在在存在的问题,这些问题都是高校在环境(Environment),社会(Social)和治理(Governance)方面的核心问题,需要一套可持续发展运营体系(Sustainable Operation System/SOS)动态,系统的解决这些问题。

While the majority of domestic institutions in our country have yet to effectively implement environmental and occupational health and safety management, a wave of trends such as sustainable development, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), carbon neutrality, and others have already swept in. Although the focus on environmental and health safety (EHS) issues primarily lies within the manufacturing sector, it does not imply that educational institutions are devoid of such problems and risks. Issues such as the operation of university facilities and equipment, laboratory safety, fire hazards, waste management, the awareness of environmental health and safety among faculty and staff, as well as student mental health, are all tangible problems. These issues constitute the core concerns of higher education institutions in terms of ESG, necessitating a dynamic and systematic Sustainable Operation System (SOS) to address them effectively.


Incorporating sustainable development into the daily operations management of higher education institutions means that aspects such as buildings and facilities, products and services (curriculum and teaching research), as well as student and faculty management, will all be aligned with the requirements of sustainable development. These elements will be integrated with the goals of the Sustainable Operation System to carry out daily management. Therefore, establishing an effective framework of SOS elements is fundamental for efficient operations, as it enables the integration and alignment of sustainable development action goals through management personnel, departments, faculty, staff, and student organizations.

实验室安全管理 Laboratory safety management


Element I: Organization and leadership


To ensure the successful implementation of sustainable development initiatives in higher education institutions, it is imperative to enhance the awareness and consciousness of university managers and decision-makers. This support is crucial as it forms the prerequisite for the success of sustainable development projects. With the backing of decision-makers, we can establish:



Working Groups:

Establish a Sustainable Development Management Committee and set up multiple working groups to target various aspects of sustainable development involved in the daily operations of the university. These main areas include: 1) Curriculum System; 2) Faculty Development; 3) Teaching and Research; 4) Facility Operations; 5) Student Activities; 6) Stakeholders, etc.


One approach is to establish taskforces for each of these six areas and appoint relevant personnel as the leaders of these task forces. The task forces would then establish charters and annual work objectives and evaluation criteria, subject to oversight and review by the Sustainable Development Committee. Each member of the task force would first undergo appropriate training in sustainable development and meet internal qualification requirements for carrying out these tasks.


Subsequently, each task force should conduct in-depth discussions on their respective areas of responsibility and identify relevant risk factors, such as:


In the area of the curriculum system, what sustainability-related risk factors currently exist; what introductory knowledge and practical skills in sustainability related to the faculty's specialization are required for students; and based on the identified risk factors, develop the group's annual sustainability goals, such as related curriculum development, outreach and education;

在职工发展领域,识别与评估教职工人员自身在可持续发展认知和能力情况;在招募人才方面,如何融入DEI(Diversity, equality and inclusive)的原则,并建立相应的标准;

In the area of faculty development, identifying and assessing faculty members' own perceptions of and competencies in sustainability; and how to incorporate the principles of DEI (Diversity, Equality and Inclusion) into the recruitment of talent and establish appropriate criteria;


In the field of teaching and learning, as the main output work of the school, how to effectively integrate sustainable development into the existing curricula is a very critical initiative, which includes the following key points:






1) Improve and publicize SD-related courses and degrees based on the existing curriculum, taking into account trend development and dynamic changes;

2) Incorporate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to the operations of the university into the classroom and modify the course content to incorporate the key points of sustainable development;

3) Build students' practical skills in sustainability by partnering with communities, businesses, and third-party organizations to establish sustainability-related internships and lab courses;

4) Responding to the demands of the times by evaluating and offering a professional degree in sustainable development, providing certificate programs in sustainable development for off-campus personnel, and so on;

5) Make sustainable development courses one of the required courses for students in each faculty and department

可持续发展实践 Development practices


Element II: Policy and framework system


The sustainability committee of the university can evaluate various external sustainability guidelines, provide some references for its own policy making, and establish its own sustainability policy and overall target indicators, such as environmental protection, what are the measurable goals and indicators; in human resources development, how to establish its own goals and indicators, etc.; a set of sustainability framework operation system can ensure that these goals and indicators are effectively implemented and monitor their operation effectiveness. A set of sustainable development framework operation system can ensure that these goals and targets are effectively implemented and supervise its operation effect, which does not necessarily require the establishment of a brand new system, but rather assessment based on the existing system to do the expansion and improvement and integration, such as in environmental protection, colleges and universities are mainly concerned about the elements including solid waste recycling, water resource protection, energy management; environmental pollution control, green purchasing, environmental landscaping and biodiversity, etc. and based on these elements of concern to improve and establish the corresponding system, which is the most effective way to ensure that the goals and targets can be measured. Based on these elements of concern, we will improve and establish corresponding management standards and documents;


1.???? 绿色校园行动计划

2.???? 京都宣言

3.???? 荷兰职业培训可持续发展宪章(高等职业教育)

4.???? 吕内堡宣言

5.???? 全球高等教育可持续发展合作联盟

6.???? 国际可持续发展研究所

7.???? 高等教育设施管理协会

8.???? 全球可持续发展联盟

Attached: guidelines and organizational references related to sustainability in higher education:

1. Green Campus Action Plan

2. Kyoto Declaration

3.Vocational education and trainingin the Netherlands

4. The Lüneburg Declaration


6. International Institute for Sustainable Development

7.Higher Education Facilities Management Association

8. UN?Sustainable Development Group

废弃物循环 Waste cycle


Element III: Review and continuous improvement


Whether it's internal review or third-party review, the main purpose is to identify management weaknesses or system deficiencies in the SOS process, establish action items, and improve them. This requires the establishment of assessment forms based on the university's own SOS framework elements, including content related to legal compliance and internal risk management.


Element IV: Sustainability reporting


In China, the requirements for sustainability reporting for enterprises, especially listed companies and state-owned enterprises, are just beginning to emerge. There are no explicit regulatory requirements for universities regarding sustainability reporting. However, as part of a university's own sustainable development efforts, a transparent sustainability report can provide clear guidance for the institution's progress and enhance its social responsibility and visibility.


The framework for sustainability reporting in universities can draw inspiration from both the reporting disclosure guidelines issued by the government and the basic framework provided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which is widely used by international enterprises.


Creating a sustainable university involves more than just integrating sustainability into teaching and operational management; it must be an integral part of the institutional culture, rather than an add-on or mere action label. The true litmus test for sustainability is the change in thoughts and awareness instilled by the university regarding sustainability among students, faculty, and community members. It helps us better understand and address the sustainability challenges we currently face.


1. ??《可持续发展实践指南》[美] 威廉,布莱克本著,上海人民出版社;

2. ??《地球宪章》对教科文组织可持续发展教育活动的推动作用;

3. ??变革我们的世界:2030年可持续发展议程



