School Safety, another visit.

It’s been a while since I have posted so please bear with me if this seems a little jumbled.

Was going to take a few days “off” because I had a medical procedure this morning. But sadly, as I was having that done there was another major school shooting.

But it is getting ridiculous that these “people” can bring firearms into a school campus without DETECTION, the FACT “we” are having a hard time mitigating these incidents is getting sickening.

To listen to the alleged security pundits say we can’t predict or prevent these incidents, REALLY?!?!? BULLSHIT!!!

Yes, we can, although true, we can’t predict or even prevent, every single one, but we can take both covert and overt acts to greatly reduce these incidents. That thinking is a cop-out. That thinking, we all might as well throw up our hands and give up. Not going to happen here!

Until we drop the “It won’t happen or can’t happen here” mantra, and start a mitigation, preparation, exercise, and response plan of action, it will happen again. And next time maybe at “your” school. God forbid. Parents I urge you to ask your schools the difficult questions. Have they exercised their emergency action plan, have those exercises involved local first responders? I can almost bet there will be a lot of blank looks, especially in smaller communities.

I hear a lot about using “best practices” for school/business security. While they are very valuable as a start point, remember that your school/business security plan NEEDS to be TAILORED to your specific school or company. What works for “me” may not work for “you”.

I will never talk disparagingly about 99.95% of the School RSOs, but they are only one or at the most two people to secure a school campus. Districts must enact a security program that makes the whole employee body, teachers, admin staff, bus drivers, etc, security force multipliers!

I will say this, having one entry point at a school during the start of the school day and at dismissal is not smart and not practical. Sorry!! That could potentially create a target rich environment for a shooter/attacker. But you can’t leave the entry/exit points unsecured/unoccupied. During the actual school day sure one entry point that is manned should be the norm, but not at those times. But the points that are open need to be observed and secured! Again, using trained teachers and other staff as security force multipliers can facilitate this.

Personally, and this may upset some of my more conservative friends, I don’t agree with arming teachers, but I do believe in making teachers security force multipliers, just like corporations do or should be doing with their employees.

I am not going to blow smoke up your ass and call it sunshine, there will be another school shooting, business active shooter and mass shooting. But we need to be more aggressive in hardening these targets.

We can once again piss and moan about gun control, but in it of itself gun control is not the entire answer!! Sorry my Liberal Friends that believe that it is!

School Security falls entirely on the education system and the local police, not federal gun laws.

We don’t live in the same world most of us here grew up in. Sadly!


Ralph R. Fisk Jr., ATO, PCP-1, MEMS,的更多文章

