The School Leader's Weekly Book Spotlight
Week of August 2, 2020: The Vision Driven Leader: 10 Questions to Focus Your Efforts, Energize Your Team, and Scale Your Business by Michael Hyatt
Leadership Principle #1: Vision Makes Alignment Possible
Over the last year or so, I have grown to understand the importance of alignment. Simply put, when actions, resources, and energy are deployed in the same direction - towards the fulfillment of the same vision- teams, families, and individuals succeed. The key is to cast a captivating vision, achieve adoption from each member of the team, and collaboratively outline a path towards the realization of the vision. Thus, leadership effectiveness starts with vision. As Proverbs 29:18 states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…”
Leadership Principle #2: Vision Is a Great Motivator
Captivating visions act as fuel for the journey. I can remember many days during my doctoral studies when I just did not ‘feel’ like doing the work. I pressed onward, nonetheless, largely because I had adopted a vivid vision of myself walking across the stage and receiving my degree. I had adopted a vision of obtaining that highest level of education in my field of study. I had already associated my personal brand and self-image with that status. The space between where I was on any given day and the achievement of that degree was just a road to travel. There was no compromise along the way. My vision of the future was my motivation.
Leadership Principle #3: The Vision Can Adapt
The vision you cast does not have to be set in stone. As leaders, we do not have to get it just right on the front end. Our vision can be molded by experiences and input from others. The point is to share our vision. Or as Seth Godin would say, to ‘ship it’. Perfection is not the goal. And the pursuit of perfection slows down progress. Take the first step of getting alone, in an inspirational setting, and establish your vision - for yourself, your family, and your team. I suggest creating a 3 year vision. A great resource is the book Vivid Vision, by Cameron Herold. Then share your vision to everyone who will listen. There is power in the spoken word. And go make it happen.