School Assemblies : Assembling Student Spirit through Mindful Moments
Dr. (Hon) Kusum Kanwar
Gendersensitization~MMTI Trainer~K12~Founder~Advisoryboard
What is that one daily school ritual that most would even remember now? School assemblies! It is hard to forget those early morning sessions at the school grounds (a privilege now , unfortunately, due to the space constraints in bigger metros) as our coordinators and principals addressed us as most of readied ourselves for another day of studies and fun (well, hopefully!)? Did you know though that a well planned school assembly in fact is an important aspect of the school curriculum? Its potential in establishing a positive school ethos and in building intrapersonal intelligence of students often get overlooked.
Often, the more seamlessly it integrates within the school curriculum the more effortless it may seem. What may come across as just a routine session, actually is a powerful tool, which if planned meticulously, encourage students to imbibe universal values like respect, love, tolerance, cooperation. This in turn triggers development of the child in the moral, social, spiritual aspects. At Billabong High International School *(BHIS), we have our assemblies intricately connected with the school’s curriculum.
Now, what are so special about assemblies? Assemblies come closest to community building within the school. Often the entire school or part of schools like entire grades or sections of schools with their students, teachers, come together and experience the sessions together, as a unit. On a daily basis, such rituals of sharing experiences, become a history of shared experiences and automatically a flow of imbibed culture and intuitive learning comes to the fore. Such shared experiences passed from a generation to the other, slowly build and color the fabric of the entire school community - how it absorbs and reflects.
We regularly conduct our assemblies with a broad theme in mind. Take for example a recent one we had - “Everyone’s a hero in their own way”. Our grade 3 students showcased tiny acts and conveyed how each one is unique and popular. This was to convey the message of not only understanding your own potentials but also using your talents to help others grow. The acts were followed by a heartwarming video which showed simple acts of kindness towards others can also make you a hero. You need not be popular or a celebrity to be one! We inspire children to leave with an outstanding thought. We make it also a point to acknowledge every child and his contributions every year.
Also, as a school principal, the importance of 'connect time' with all children together cannot be stated enough. I recall one particular assembly wherein a Grade 1 child, presented the school with beautiful framed message on 'cleanliness and Toilet rules and that was huge message for all children as well as for the child who was recognized and this was a positive reinforcement for him & others.
Such sessions leave a huge impression on young minds and is crucial in developing a healthy sense of self esteem. It also enables school teachers and authorities to notice anomalies that may appear in such gatherings like bullying. At Billabong High we talk of 'Mindful moments' to tackle bullying and little acts of just 'laughing and screaming their hearts out for 30 seconds' relieves children and successfully conveys a message that it’s okay to vent out and we can work out a proper channel. We also encourage kids to centre themselves, calm them before they start a day for themselves. It was just last month when a teenager’s suicide due to bullying in school made international headlines. He had left behind a heartbreaking letter how he was let down by the school who didn’t do much to help. His parents were shocked and didn’t even know or was informed of what was happening. At the end, the little soul thought the only way out was to snuff out his life. Apart from his shattered family I wonder how this also must have impacted the kids who were bullying him and also those who knew it saw it happen yet chose to keep quiet. Such incidences change you to your core. One such can dent the entire fabric of school ethos, and initiate a ripple effect of sorts.
We don’t just assemble students at schools randomly - we enable them to assemble and be mindful of their moments, be present fully with their minds, their spirit. Now, can you imagine any other profession facing such an enormous task? Would love to know and hear from you’ll about any interesting anecdotes that you’ll look back now from your school assemblies!