Scholar Snapshot featuring Sambodh Sinha
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Recognizing and honoring the academically talented students of the United States.
"My introduction to computational biology has made me fall even more in love with biology," shares Sambodh Sinha , recipient of a 2024 National Merit Vanderbilt University Scholarship. "Working in the intersection of biology, the study of living organisms, and computer science, a totally man-made field, is incredible. Here you have a field as old as life has been here on Earth, and another which only began a hundred years ago. What's more incredible is that with computer science, we can make biological discoveries [that would be] simply impossible without the computational power computers provide."
"My parents left their homes in India and went to England in pursuit of a better medical education," Sambodh says. During his sophomore year of high school, Sambodh's family moved from England to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "To me, the [National Merit] award is a reflection of the work my mum and dad have put in to provide my sister and me with the best lives and education. I think awarding academic accomplishment is beautiful, in the sense that it rewards education, which is what has driven and drives us forwards as a collective humanity. I wouldn't be typing this if it weren't for educated people who then sought to make our world more productive and efficient. But education is a lot more than just computers. It's developing an understanding for the numerous different viewpoints, perspectives, cultures, backgrounds, upbringings, and lives the eight billion of us experience. . . . Seeking to understand these improves us."