Scholar Snapshot featuring Hunter R. Dunne
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Recognizing and honoring the academically talented students of the United States.
Hunter Dunne , winner of a 2022 National Merit $2500 Scholarship, attends Oregon State University where he pursues a major in environmental engineering. Hunter feels compelled to earn a degree that combines his two passions of engineering and the environment. Sharing some of the exciting developments in the field, Hunter says, "I have discovered a relatively new invention called a bioswale that filters stormwater runoff before it runs into natural water resources. The idea seems fairly simple but powerful. It's cool to see it out in the world too as I go out and about in my life."
"I feel very privileged to receive this award," Hunter states, adding that, "it is a sign of pieces falling into place that I have worked for. In addition to that, I am grateful for the financial help it provides for education."