SCHIZOPHRENIA: Devil's work or science?
Samin Sohail
Wavetec | Unilever FinAcademy 2022 | Pakistan Petroleum Limited | KTDMC | Head of Creative Department DIS | IoBM'22
In the medieval times, any psychological disorder was labeled as devil’s work and the person would executed, mutilated and tortured in order to get him free from the devil’s spirit. Even today, when psychological dilemmas have been accepted, there are certain disorders, which are neglected and still conformed to the same orthodox concepts. One such disorder is Schizophrenia, which makes a person delusional. A person suffering from this disorder ends up creating a whole world of imagination. They talk and perform all normal actions with the imagination they have formed. It has still not been proven if this is hereditary or is caused by a traumatic event in life; however such patients need to be tackled carefully. They need to be identified as someone who needs medical help, rather than classifying them as possessed by demons. One example of a schizophrenic person is John Nash, the global prize winner for the Game theory of economics.