Schematic plan management notions
Image courtesy of: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay (2023)

Schematic plan management notions


After reading title 1, entitled "Introduction", of the textbook Manual for Project managers: How to manage projects successfully, we are led to develop an analytical outline of it, for which we will face the search for knowledge of terms and basic acts of a plan administration, for which we will detail a set of elements that are important pieces to be able to have a clear idea of how this scheme works and develops, for which we will start questions already established for the exposition of the global approach of the study presented by the author.

How is a plan defined and what notable features does it have?

Every Plan, in accordance with ISO21500, is that group of phases supported by a series of concurrent functions that is managed by means of an initial and closing calendar and that are executed in order to obtain the purposes established in the plan; For these purposes, every sketch, creation of a pattern and the propagation of a model that represents a commercial good must be a plan that, even having similarities with other schemes, the effect must be exclusive, due to the capitulations (deliverables), the interlocutors, the goods used, the limitations and the way in which its mechanisms are executed (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).?

Each one of the plan prototypes frequently has a group of characteristics that make them similar, among which are: i) they have an objective (end and term), ii) they are aimed at achieving an effect, iii) they incorporate people who they assume several roles and obligations, iv) they are afflicted with problems, v) they are subject to tracking and surveillance in order to guarantee that the consequences are as expected, vi) they are unequal among themselves although they have similar properties, and vii) they require an injection of financial, economic or monetary capital (Pérez, 2021).

What are the differences between a plan and a procedural mechanism?

A plan is distinguished from a procedural mechanism by its goals and objectives towards which all its actions are focused, because the plan has: i) a precise useful life, established by its founding guidelines, ii) there are no recurrences in its proposed acts, iii) it is focused on obtaining its goals and then being closed; the procedural mechanism, on the other hand, distances itself from the plan because: a) its activities are constant and redundant, b) they do not show a term period and, c) it systematically yields identical outcomes (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Details on the term capitulations (deliverables)

The capitulations (deliverables) of a plan, are those consequences of a productivity or a work, based on the request of a consumer or user, within the firm or through a request from the administrative management; If the plan is of great magnitude, it must be segmented into various capitulations or phases, because it seeks to highlight the importance of the progressive set that highlights the progress of the plan in unison with that of the good or benefit. The progressive set can be integrated by: i) the delimitations of the plan, ii) the reports of the assembly, iii) the credentials or systematic stipulations, iv) the management project of hazards, treaties, investigations, etc., v) balances of feasibility, amounts, calculations, etc., (Aguirre, 2021).

Indication of the five (5) technical sectors in which the author of the subject in question segments the analysis of the stages of a plan with details of its related purposes for all the sets developed

According to the ISO21500 standard, the procedural mechanisms are segmented into five branches that are syndicated as follows: initiation, schematic, application, inspection and conclusive (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Set of initiation, refers to the existential verification of a plan product of a proven concept or requirement, so as soon as the Statutory Report of the plan is accepted, its admission is legally legal and the administrative manager is empowered to consign economic funds. to plan; The added purposes are: i) the statutory report and, ii) the registration of interested parties (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Set of schematic mechanisms, is that instrument that allows the exposition and inspection of the aims and purposes of the plan, through the preparation of the Plan Management Draft with the objective of achieving the established purposes; The related goals are: i) the requirements of the plan, ii) the demands of the asset, and iii) completing and expanding the catalog of persons of interest (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Set of applicable mechanisms, is when the Plan Management Program is launched, which implies that the planning manager will organize and channel the assets of the plan towards the achievement of the established goals and its mechanisms are required to complete the stipulated tasks. in the Plan Management Project with a view to amending the tasks stipulated in the plan; Its related purposes are: i) to create, examine and admit the transformations that are unavoidable for any plan, and ii) to manage the duration expense and the assets of the plan (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Set of inspection mechanisms, segment in which measurements of the plan's progress are carried out for all its indicated aspects (period, tasks, dangers, etc.) examined in order to determine if the plan is sustainable in accordance with what is established in the project central, trying to detect the dilemmas and variants as soon as possible to be able to execute the inevitable reformatory tasks with a view to suppressing the deflections and thus consolidating the prestige of consummate performance; Its related purposes are: i) to supervise, ii) to quantify, iii) to monitor the development and, iv) to propose transformations of the established program (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Set of conclusive mechanisms, is that device that seeks to finalize the acts of the plan and close it in a systematic, adjudicative and managerial way in an express and methodical way and, very often, almost without having finished a plan, the labor forces have transferred to a next scheme; Its related purposes are: i) closure of agreements with contractors and, ii) explicit approval with associated third parties of interest (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Notes and reviews of the obstacles of a plan

The obstacles of a plan are those factors that intervene in the plans and in the management of a specific project, within a radius of action that exceeds its own environment, forcing it to seek effective solutions and ways to address them in accordance with the rules, procedures and established methods for a good performance of the plan; These obstacles, which have to contribute effectively or adversely to the ways of managing the plan, can be: i) the education of the institution (style of execution of the processes by the organization); ii) management methods (conduct of the firm's leaders to apply managerial tactics and decisions); iii) correspondence within the company (management periods for exchanging messages with interested members and partners); and, iv) the configuration of the firms (the intrinsic ways of managing their educational, organic and executing standards of their acts according to the levels of commissions, power and obligations that the executive commission decides to grant to the project managers), (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

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Explanation of the role of the plan administrator

The consummation of the functions of the plan administrator is contingent on being able to effectively assume his following roles: i) he must be an organizer of the plan and the assets under his command, ii) inclusive of the work of all the areas that participate in the plan, iii) promoter of the objectives of the plan, iv) manager of all the assets of the plan, v) adviser / consultant with the purpose of providing encouragement, preparation and control to the goals and individuals that make up the plan (Mejía Ca?as, 2011).

The positions that a project administrator carries out, consequently, are oriented to: i) define the goals of the plan, ii) manage the natural, economic and labor assets through consigning the functions, iii) line up the plan with the tactics organization, iv) manage all types of plan assets, v) manage expenses and funds, vi) manage the class of the plan according to established patterns, vii) supervise the three basic conditions of any plan: quality, value and duration , viii) manage the development stages of the plan so that it concludes as established, ix) intervene in the incorporation of the plan group to the plan's capacities,

x) ensure that the plan's workforce receives full instruction, xi) study and manage the plan's related hazards, xii) manage the plan's workforce, xiii) manage plan correspondence, xiv) communicate to the full team that The plan is made up of progress and delays, xv) guide and commission the group, xvi) trade with foreign contractors seeking to consolidate that the assets of the plan are delivered on time, xvii) manage the instruments, schemes, parameters and the agenda of the plan, xviii) produce a constant and timely supervision and, xix) manage the risks and variations that the plan demands while it is being developed (Mejía Ca?as, 2011).

Plan administrators are obliged to understand and master certain practical skills that can support their tactical goals of obtaining a better performance in their functions; You do not have to be a statesman, but you are obliged to equip yourself with these qualities if you want to take your administrative concerns on the right track, so it is recommended to have: i) abundant communication skills, ii) skills to carry out the project, iii) high skills to master the progress of the plan and, iv) high expert knowledge that allows them to assume full control of the quality of the plan (Mejía Ca?as, 2011).

Declarative clarifications of the institutional models and fundamental structural systems in force, according to the narrative studied

According to the accounts of the topic under analysis and, according to the nomenclatures predetermined by its author, a triad of models persist that are: i) pragmatic or superior societies, ii) societies focused on the plan, and iii) model or matrix societies (Echeverria Jadraque, 2018).

Pragmatic or superior societies, are organizations that are segmented by qualified technological divisions in a specific sector, with a division of labor means, budget, marketing, planning of urban buildings, current infrastructures, foundations, etc., which have to be directed by a head of division in charge of competent human resources in their work areas, receiving notifications of these elements that work in more than one schemes; These divisions are guided autonomously with their sphere of functions determined by themselves, carrying out their tasks that have to be transferred to the next division and this cycle continues until the task ends (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018).

Model or matrix societies, are organisms that try to assimilate the virtues and systematic gentleness of organizations focused on the plan and of pragmatic or superior societies in order to ensure that the goals of the plan are achieved through the execution of certain but accurate Project Management methods. holding a competent scheme in the institution; For this organizational form, the workers report to the project manager and the executive head, hence they must provide reports to two leaders: i) acting managers attend to managerial tasks and assign workers to the schemes, supervising their work for each one of the schemes, and ii) the plan administrators are assigned the execution of the plan, assign duties, obligations and orders to all the members of the group and exchange with the heads in respective functions the review of the development of all the members of the group ( Echeverria Jadraque, 2018).

Justification of influence according to the constitutive model according to the role that the scheme administrator develops and the power that he possesses when directing an organizational plan

Every scheme administrator will have a dynamic function based on the type of companies they choose or have to assume when implementing a management plan that is requested by their bosses or consumers of their good offices, since if they decide to assume obligations on a system of pragmatic or superior companies must know that they must have specialized elements in each of the assigned or divisional areas that contain the project and that these will only respond to their own designs since they are autonomous in their decisions, thus limiting the participation of the manager of the plan; moreover, however, having to work based on a scheme of companies focused on the plan or the good produced, they will have full capacity for action in terms of giving free rein to their administrative skills and abilities, without having to report to any superior boss, Deciding your goals on your own.

Regarding having to participate in model or parent companies, you should know that if your plans are to execute certain goals on the basis of autonomy, this society does not allow it at all, because it is structured to report to two types of corporate heads (Echeverría Jadraque, 2018), so this must be taken into account when interfering in plans that intend to function on this operational basis.

Allegations of the obligation for a Master Business Administration (MBA) student to have intellectual domain for the administrative segment of management schemes

As has been well detailed in this essay, plan administration is a subject with multiple functions, high demands for personnel trained in the matter, and a set of segments to be mastered by the plan manager in order to execute their activities with efficiency and professional care satisfactory; his papers are large, the obligations are well distributed and the skills that must emerge in the plan manager respond to some demands that the scheme itself demands. The fivefold phases in which the intrinsic activities of the plan administrator are developed are conditioned to the fact that he masters the type of initiation set, schematic mechanisms, applicable mechanisms, inspection mechanisms and conclusive mechanisms, since these They will provide a direct approach to where you have to direct your opportune clairvoyance of the assigned plan.

Master what the capitulations (deliverables) of a management scheme are, as well as its most important elements, such as the delimitations of the scheme, executive reports, credentials or systematic stipulations, the risk management model, treaties, investigations, etc. , as well as the feasibility balances, amounts, calculations, etc., that limit their actions, means an advantage for the final purpose of the executive in charge of a management scheme; It is equally important to know how to identify the obstacles that a management scheme can face, such as institutional education, the firm's internal management methods, the corresponding form of internal communication within the organization, the institutional configuration, among others, because this allows anticipation of resolving measures on the scheme itself, before they try to attack the dynamics of the plan.

Every pupil deserves to master these guidelines that plan management raises, since it starts from obligations that professionalism determines and demands, as do important firms and cutting-edge institutions that focus on the progressive participatory approach of a dynamic competitive in constant evolution; there is also the fact that this area brings substantial benefits from the point of view of income, while having a market with a high demand for personnel and a diminished supply of elements that have full control of management schemes; On the other hand, it must be taken into account in the field of professional practice, since this scheme provides notable influxes of techniques that the individual can take advantage of for their own personal gain and as human growth.


Echeverría Jadraque, D. (2018). Handbook for Project Managers: How to Manage Projects Successfully (3rd ed.). Madrid, Spain: Wolters Kluwer Spain.

Fernanda Aguirre, M. (2021). What is a project deliverable? Examples and good practices. Appvizer.

Mejía Ca?as, C. A. (2011). THE FUNCTIONS OF A PROJECT MANAGER. No 1108. PLANNING DOCUMENT. Planning Management Consultants. Collectible Periodical.

Perez, A. (2021). Types of projects and their main characteristics. OBS Business School.

Fausto Felix

Master Degree in Business Administration, Specialist in Planning and Strategies, Law Degree

2 年

The administrator of any type of company must bear in mind that success will not always be guaranteed by the best scenario that is presented to him; What you should be sure of is that your commercial actions will be in better perspective of achieving the established goal, to the extent that you manage to master the basic tools when preparing a Schematic Business Development Plan. Here lies the success, to a lesser or greater extent, of its commercial purposes.


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