Scheduling Solutions are Pointless!
Andreas Jaeger
Building impactful Startups (10x) from the ground up, with a strong focus on Empathy, Processes and Growth!
Although adopting a Scheduling Solution seems like a no brainer to us, we always look at it from our customer’s perspective. Some things we hear is that scheduling solutions seem too complicated, that they don’t truly provide a real benefit, and that they are too expensive.
Let us break each one of these down.
Too Complicated - The reality is that the solution we provide is actually very user friendly and intuitive; we put a lot of effort into making sure it is so, since if it were not, it would almost defeat the purpose of automating a business process.
No Real Benefit – Let me just be blunt, not only with the person doing the scheduling saving up to 75% of the time they normally would spend on scheduling, but that freed-up time will give them back hours of productivity time. Furthermore, the freedom and power it gives to the employees translates to a significant increase in employee job satisfaction. Finally, the benefits of our file sharing capability are blatant when it comes to being able to provide training materials, recordings of team meetings and a whole host of other uses, that all become invaluable.
Finally, Too Expensive – At only $39/location/month simply the time that is saved by the person doing the scheduling usually means the solution pays for itself! Furthermore, the additional time saved by managers no longer having to deal with phone calls from employees concerning scheduling queries (for example), and the resulting increase in overall productivity lead to incalculable value.
Yes, adopting a new “solution” for a business of any kind can always cause the proverbial butterflies in one’s stomach, but some solutions, once evaluated, will always prove to be a huge benefit to the business as a whole.