Scheduling Software and A World Expert’s Evaluation
Tony Lowery
Project Controls Consultant @ L | Certified Guild Fellow of Planning & Scheduling
Purpose of this document. 4
Questions to ask your current or prospective scheduler. 4
The questions and a complete project/program record, wherein all data is capturable by an adept user who utilizes. 7
Microsoft has risen to the challenge. 9
Management Errancies, even at Microsoft 10
The purpose of my Ph.D. dissertation. 11
Office Professional/365. 12
Centers of Excellence. 13
Microsoft’s Errors about this Author. 14
The power of Microsoft Project Professional is explored......................................... in 15
The risks of inept scheduling. 15
Who could benefit: 15
The Determination. 16
In finality. 17
About the author. 17
A scheduling Software Evaluation by a world-class professional, GPS 00011. ?
As a world expert, I’m assessing two major scheduling software programs. These are: 1) P6 Professional and 2) Microsoft Project Professional. In the final analysis, the world must forgo the current misconception of one software product's superiority over another. The list order in no way suggests the importance of software.
Correct Planning/Scheduling involves a large volume of information and work. The volume of work is tackled not unlike the F.E.A. approach; the battle is an accumulation of numerous small victories.?
Many people are devoted P6 users and with this they are exposing their inadequate product knowledge by demanding that others utilize identical software to generate their turn-in information. I know an adept P6 user who can import Microsoft Project information into P6. NOW IS THE TIME TO DISPEL THE P6-ONLY TOO-LONG ZEALOTRY.
We have arrived at the 3rd decade of the 21st Century, and P6 was the pack's leader for many years. But this P6 advantage has recently slipped from its long singular superior stance. P6 knew the capabilities of its software but never spent the time or effort to ensure there were fully competent utilizers of its product to prove its power. How can I say this? For too many years, I have viewed schedules containing no more information than needed to satisfy unknowing persons with horizontally lined artwork.? ?
This author’s mission is for schedulers and owners to realize and then learn the power of complete/competent use of scheduling software. Many contractors have scheduling software but aren’t aware of the power in its actual functionality when appropriately utilized according to the product’s complete design and functionality criteria; few projects will exceed the capability of Project Professional’s one-trillion-dollar capacity. This super-accounting of costs, productivity, cash flows, and numerous other functionalities awaits proper inputs for advanced processing. In my work creations, I often mention the phraseology: “Super-Accountant” of costs, timelines, and productivity.
All advanced scheduling programs have similar basics. A) resource worksheets; B) Reporting Capability C) Report Generation of i) resource: a) Remaining Work Report; b) Cost of Work Performed; c) etc., and ii) Project/Program generally: a) Cash flow: actual, baseline, remaining, cost variance
As I’ve stated many times, a P.C.E. ?Project Control Engineer is a Super Scheduler and a Super-Accountant of Costs, Timelines, and productivity, like the Oracles of mythology foretelling the future for their leaders.
This is only possible when utilizing a fully loaded schedule. If a contractor regularly utilizes scheduling software, they will conclude it is the best way to prepare an estimate, especially with Microsoft Project Professional, where bid evaluation sheets can be built with Excel. But I know many contractors are rushed to arrive at a final number too quickly. In this case, the architects/engineers took all the time needed at the beginning to assemble the bid package and its drawings.
The most significant problem in the scheduling world has been that, for years and even today, most people are only trained enough to generate worthless horizontal-lined art. The other half of this problem is the people who accept this artwork as adequate scheduling. These inadequacies must change. This continual practice of accepted Hoaxes must end.
A proper schedule becomes a massive collection of the finite details of costs, time, events, and productivity: the who, where, when, why, how often, and how much. It becomes a graphical paper record of human events, their costs, the value expended on the installation, and the remaining work.? ???
It's time to dispel some common misconceptions about scheduling software. It's not just about Gantt lines; it's a comprehensive tool with accounting features. Many users overlook this aspect and focus solely on Gantt lines. To truly benefit from this software, it's crucial to grasp its full potential and use it accordingly.
When we examine the capabilities of Microsoft Project Professional, some might think Microsoft has given the adept operator a way to spy on the worker and the cost. But wake up and smell the coffee. P6 has had the exact functionality for years, but I’ve never seen anyone utilize it. The Guild of Project Controls aims to train others in the Science of actual PROJECT CONTROLS and personnel development to pass on existing expertise to others.
A denseness, also called one-track minds, still exists in this world that claims to be full of “experts.” For many years, P6 was the cream of the crop of scheduling software. But now we must look at the newer software to educate ourselves on “the current functionality reality of the 21st ?Century.” Do we think there can’t be experts with the product if it's a new release? See the section: A WORLD-CLASS EXPERT’s PROFESSIONAL NOTES:
Explain again:
The information I’m going to describe again in this section is running through my mind every day, and it concerns a Center of Excellence.
1st.??? Too many accept simple Gannt lines on a page as the representation of a schedule, and this is not an actual schedule in the professional world. (Sure, some will say you're speaking about too much work or that the information is private or secret, and this is why cost detail is not supplied.) Then, I would ask, why does the Resource Worksheet exist?
2nd.? Why schedule correctly?
a.????? If I were to supply you with the specification sheet for Microsoft Project Professional 2019, you would understand some of the basic functionality. Only an adept professional user would appreciate them and utilize this Additional Super Functionality. With this additional, we can:
I’m still trying to convey the importance of correct scheduling to project owners, major shareholders, and the tax-paying public. If you’re worried about secret/private information and it is getting into the wrong hands, then there is a legitimate concern and a journey to figure out the problem.” There?must be rules and laws concerning AI. But, as many of us know, the rules and laws don’t mean anything important to some people, like the Liberals/Democrats. Even Microsoft and their infantile A.I. are acting like the Gestapo for the Liberals/Democrats by disabling conservatives’ computers.
I label Microsoft’s A.I. infantile because it picks individual words like a database and not the complete phraseology, as should have occurred when they spied on my dissertation. If their program’s phraseology was working correctly, they would have known that one of my goals is establishing a Center of Excellence in Southwest Louisiana. This Center will focus on the correct methodologies for precision Scheduling and Planning. This infantile A.I. missed the entire section of V&V, Verification, and validation as is detailed in my original dissertation. ???
?????????????????????????????????? i.?? Write/perform:
1. The S.O.P. ?Standard Operating Procedure
2. The P.D. Process Description
3. The I.M.P. Integrated Master Plan
4. The I.M.S. Integrated Master Schedule
5. The P.C.F. Project Cash Flows
6. The R.W.R. Remaining Work Reports
7. Reports on all resources, ?
8. Project burndown Reports
9. Assign Resources, this is an important function, especially for highway Constructors and shipbuilders for hull launch days, and also the NASA and SpaceX programs on the craft transport and set-up on the launch pad; the fueling, etc. ??
10.?? In Progress
Purpose of this document.
This document conveys concise information from a world-class professional to anyone concerned or interested in using scheduling software. It is crucial to understand that scheduling in the real world, with multifaceted software alone creating horizontal Gantt line artwork, is crucially unacceptable.
Understanding the software's actual functionality and potential is critical. But GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out will always remain in play. Modern Scheduling Software, whether P6 or Microsoft Project Professional, are the super-accounting products of the 21st Century. Like in mythology, a competent scheduler is an Oracle foretelling the future finish costs and productivity along the way to the final goal.?
Questions to ask your current or prospective scheduler. ?
When my guild assesses others who want to join our top-notch Guild. (The word accuracy in the following covers knowledge and utilization of many specialty areas.)
??????????????? i. ?Some will still say P6 is preferential over Microsoft Project Professional. However, when we fully understand the voluminous data storage opportunity exposed closely at the opportunities in each Resource and Task for inserting Excel, Word, Word Perfect, PowerPoint, and Visio files in Microsoft Project Professional, I’m revealing the opportunity for massive data creation and storage. If you understand hyperlinks, then there is a beginning merge of genius. One test I performed was a product test on 9/10/2024. The files mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph are not stored within Project Professional’s environment but are where you store them. However, since it was created in a Professional environment. The file remains accessible and operable as a permanent reference for the professional.??
????????????? ii. Why demand this or that scheduling software when similarly functional software now exists? ?
???????????? iii. This is why I say the P.C.E. utilizing terabytes of storage connected to their computer can record every cost and item on a project/program.
???????????? iv. ?I know exactly why the SASOL Project went over budget by three billion dollars, and it wouldn’t have happened had I made the schedule for it.
?????????????? v. I know some will say 400,000 tasks aren’t enough. Let’s look at this a moment: a textbook averages 150,000 words. 400,000/150,000 = 2.67 x more entry inputs than a textbook’s words. If the work is more than 400,000 tasks, a professional can use every task to open a Word or Excel file, make the extra WBSs, and still have black-and-white proof; voila, the use of terabytes plugged in. People think 400,000 is restrictive, but only Microsoft states specifications when others do not.
???????????? vi. With the correct expert at the helm, such as an expert Writer, Planner, and Scheduler certified by the highest-ranked organization in the world, can you imagine one source for volumes of information in a schedule, Word, or Excel, in Microsoft Project’s Professional functionality?
?????????? vii. ?If it was geologically possible, I could estimate the timeframe for the tunnel Bore under the English Channel from France to Great Britain.
???????? viii. ?SASOL's budget was slated for $30,000,000,000. Microsoft Project Professional's max value is $999,999,999.999,999.99, so 999,999,999,999.99/30,000,000,000 = 33 projects like SASOL. I know precisely why the project exceeded its budget by three billion dollars. I will share this detailed information with classes; this should be of special interest to engineering companies. ?
???????????? ix. ?If scheduling is performed correctly, everyone would swear that a world expert, 00011, was performing magic for costs and productivity; to the unwitting, expertise appears as magic.
?????????????? x.
???????????? xi. Scheduling software is designed to become a record of projects/programs and all voluminous efforts. Microsoft Project Professional has joined the Big Boys’/Professionals’ Club for value and productivity capture.
?????????? xii. Office 365 Professional is a beautiful creation by Microsoft. (But, be aware of the super liberal criminal spying if you download the New Outlook and Bing; they have no qualms with wiping out a conservative’s computer.? ?
???????? xiii. Microsoft Project Professional is indeed a Professional Product for Professionals. Excel Word and other files can be opened in each of the notes in tasks and resources of 400,000 and 700,000 resources for a total of 1,100,000.
????????? xiv. The calculator in Windows 11 is better than any handheld calculator.?
??????????? xv. MICROSOFT PROJECT PROFESSIONAL WINS THE COMPETITION. Due to its direct access to Word. Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, and a complete project/program record, wherein all data is captureable by an adept user who utilizes hyperlinks. With this additional capability in a professional’s hand, they can create the I.M.P. Integrated Master Plan, the E.G.S. Enterprise Grand Strategy, the E.S.O.Ps, Enterprise Standard Operating Procedures.
The questions and a complete record wherein all data is capturable by an adept user who utilizes scheduling software’s complete
1.1.? Do they know all the formulas and functionality of E.V.M. Earned Value Management and how their scheduling software reacts with its utilization?
1.2.? If furnished with all-cost information, could they accomplish an accurate ten-million-dollar bid for complete materials and labor?
1.3.? If they were furnished with all-cost information, could they accurately bid a thirty-billion-dollar sum for complete materials and labor?
1.4.? Can they answer where the project/program budget timeline is now?
1.5.? Can they create an I.M.P. Integrated Master Plan within P6’s functionality?
1.6.? Can they create an I.M.S. Integrated Master Schedule, from the cradle to the grave?
1.7.? Can they import information from Microsoft Project into P6? (I know this is possible, as the other person I want to include in the center of excellence knows how to perform this functionality with P6.)
1.8.? Can they perform team planning skills?
1.9.? Do they know the work of everyone on a project program to capture complete costs/activities, parts, and pieces?
1.10. What is the purpose of the Resource WKS?
1.11.? What is the purpose of work/Resource calendars?
1.12. What reports can be generated with P6?
1.13. Does the product have accounting capability?
1.14. What is the purpose of E.V.M. Earned Value Management?
2.???? If they Utilize Microsoft Project Professional: (This Author can.)
2.1.? Could they accomplish an accurate ten-million-dollar bid for complete materials and labor if they were furnished with all-cost information? (all costs = fully loaded wages &MU, materials, rentals, utilities, fuel, subs, etc.)
2.2.? If they were furnished with all-cost information, could they accurately bid a thirty-billion-dollar sum for complete materials and labor?
2.3.? Can they create an I.M.P. Integrated Master Plan and maintain the C.P.M.?
2.4.? Can they create an I.M.S. Integrated Master Schedule, From cradle to grave?
2.5.? Can they import information from Microsoft Project into P6?
2.6.? Can they perform team planning skills?
2.7.? Do they know the work of everyone on a project program to capture complete costs/activities, parts, and pieces?
2.8.? What is the purpose of the Resource worksheet?
2.9.? What is the purpose of work/Resource calendars?
2.10. What reports can be generated with P6 with Gannt lines only?
2.11. Does the product? Here is the rewritten text:
2.12. The text is: does the product have accounting capability? (Of course, it does; if they can't answer this question well, they are clueless about their product’s complete functionality.)
2.13. What is the purpose of E.V.M. Earned Value Management?
Microsoft Project Professional Specifications:
As we now see
1st.? Resources per project: 700,000. Has anyone ever witnessed a job with more than 700,000 workers? Even a ship-building project might have 11,000 workers spread throughout the yard, each accomplishing important project segments.
2nd. Resource units per assignment 60,000,000 units or 6,000,000,000%
3rd.? Resource availability dates 100
4th.? Tasks per project 400,000
5th.? Task dependencies per project: No limit
6th.? Predecessors per task 50,000
7th.? Successors per task 50,000
8th.? Outline levels per project 65,535
9th.? Consolidated projects 998
10th.? Open project files per consolidated Project 998
11th.? Sharer files connected to a single resource pool
12th.? 997 (That is, the maximum number of open project
13th.? files, minus 1 for the resource pool itself.)? Open windows 50
14th.? Base calendars Tested to 30,000+
15th.? Calendar exceptions per calendar Testing was able to add more than 15,000? exceptions to a base calendar.
16th.? Rate tables to support varying pay scales and rates of 5 per resource
17th.? Variable rates per rate table to support rate increases and decreases 25?
18th.? Cost value in a currency field $999,999,999,999.99
19th.? Work value: 1,666,666,666 hours. This is ideal for shipbuilding and generating project reports for engineering firms when clients need to know completion percentages. As realized and set in the program for Recon. Example: 1,666,666,666/24 =69,444,444.42 days.? When we analyze this manner, Project Professional would be great for shippers, barge lines, cruise ships, and other maritime utilizations. ??
20th.? Assignment work values for work Assignments? 999,999,999 hours
21st.? Assignment work values for the variable material assignments? 999,999,999 units
22nd.Assignment work values for fixed material assignments? 60,000,000 units
23rd. Custom cell formats 64,000
24th.? Print scaling adjustment range Percentage 10%-500%
25th.? Page header text five lines
26th.? Page footer text three lines
27th.? Page legend text three lines
28th.? A Page legend text box width is 5 inches (12.7 centimeters)
29th.? Filter tests per filter 40
30th.? Filter tests per AutoFilter 2 per column
31st.? The earliest date allowed for calculation is January 1, 1984
32nd.Latest date allowed for calculation is December 31, 2149
33rd. (In Project 2010, the last date allowed for calculation is December 31, 2049.)
34th.? Discontinuous selections in a sheet View 10
35th.? Baselines 11
36th.? Characters in a text field 255
37th.? Characters in an outline code field 255
38th.? The Note Insertion capability exists in the 400,000 tasks and 700,000 resources, and many opportunities are available with this functionality.
39th.? Values and Characters in an Enterprise Resource Multi-Value (E.R.M.V.) field 255 values, each of 255 characters
40th.? Value in a number field $9,999,999,999,999.99
Microsoft has risen to the challenge.
Microsoft has risen to the challenge of actual needs in the 21st century. This includes increasing the maximum value to one trillion dollars with Microsoft Project Professional and Office Professional, including all its accumulated functionalities.
In my mind, Microsoft Project has far exceeded P6. Why do I say this? First, I’m a world-class expert who assists in certifying other experts through my Guild of Project Controls. Second, as a multifaceted expert, the notes within the 400,000 Tasks and 700,000 Resources enable the one-click opening of Microsoft Word, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, and Word Perfect; if installed, opening these files is one click away.
Third, Word allows the creation of many documents and tables to store electronic records with a complete storage facility through hyperlinks. When tested, 56 table lines per page = 56 x 5,000 pages per file = 280,000 documents stored by hyperlink.
Fourth, Excel is excellent in Office Professional.
When tables are built in Excel.
1st. Hyperlinks in a worksheet 65,530
a. Now we see what this number means to a person who uses hyperlinks
2nd. Number precision 15 digits
3rd.? The smallest allowed negative number-2.2251E-308
4th.?? The smallest allowed positive number, 2.2251E-308
5th.?? The largest allowed positive number is 9.99999999999999E+307
6th.?? The largest allowed negative number-9.99999999999999E+307
7th.?? The largest allowed positive number via formula 1.7976931348623158e+308
8th.?? The largest allowed negative number via formula-1.7976931348623158e+308
9th.?? Length of formula contents: 8,192 characters
10th.? Internal length of formula 16,384 bytes
11th.? Iterations 32,767
12th.? Worksheet arrays Limited by available memory
13th.? Selected ranges 2,048
14th.? Arguments in a function 255
15th.? Nested levels of functions 64
16th.? User-defined function categories number of available worksheet functions 341
17th.? The size of the operand stack is 1,024
18th.? Cross-worksheet dependency 64,000 worksheets that can refer to other sheets
19th.? Cross-worksheet array formula dependency Limited by available memory
20th.? 64-bit environment imposes no hard limits on file size. Workbook size is limited only by available memory and system resources.
21st.?? The total number of characters that a cell can contain is 32,767 characters. This functionality is built into the latest Excel.
22nd.Total number of rows and columns on a worksheet: 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns
a. Let’s explore numbers for a moment; with this 16GB RAM computer, I can open 18 pages per workbook, 1,048,576 x 16, 384= 17,179,869,184 items. With my experience building tables for solutions databases and can open18 pages per workbook x17,179,869,184 =309,237,645,312 items
Management Errancies, even at Microsoft
Here I am at this moment, partially handicapped due to a pinched sciatic nerve, but I take pain management products each day without using medically addictive drugs. CBD and other inflammatory products work well without any cognitive problems. I, too, am shocked but pleased with my 150+ I.Q. I’ve known for years I would have to work into my later years due to a Disaster loan we received years ago after Hurricane Rita devastated us. However, additional expenses have arisen due to Louisiana's lack of insurance companies for manufactured homes; even though our home survived with minor roof damage, I had the roof replaced with Architectural laminated shingles with six nails per architectural shingle to be wind resistant according to the I.B.C. International Building Code and A.S.C.E. 7.
Modern-age entrepreneurs and their managers share symbiotic thought patterns based on similar modern education, where ethics and constitutionality are pushed aside and are of little importance or concern. Antihistoricism is commonplace in this contemporary age throughout all segments of humanity, and crime is committed as status quo. Perhaps modern education, especially in business, should have ethics classes so that customers' and peoples’ constitutional and ownership rights are duly considered before errant decisions occur.
Here again, we have a modern travesty in our exposure to “Self-Aggrandized Arrogance,” which ran rampant among the generations coming of age in the 20th and 21st Centuries.
Yes, I mention crime, as this is what they committed against me. I bought Microsoft Project Professional 2019 [this is a one-stop for a P.C.E., a multi-talented Project Control Engineer who can schedule off the top of their head due to Expertise. I even fashioned my Ph.D. dissertation based on this software and the great functionality of Microsoft Office Professional 365. If these programming gurus at Microsoft were adept and ethical, upgrading to a new Windows should not have erased customers' previously purchased software. It shouldn’t only be available to them in the future via lease programs. This unethical action provides the basis for Class Action litigation; change can’t be made like this immediately without destruction/stealing of personal property; the proper way is attrition. ??
I’d already approached the Seed Center in Lake Charles about the Center of Excellence, so I purchased Microsoft Project Professional 2016. Another update came through, this time erasing Professional 2016.
I’m a practitioner of V&V, Validate, and Verification. So, if you see and then obtain an upgrade to the software, could we trust the manufacturer's statements? I’ve endured a lifetime building a reputation, so V&V ascertains maintaining my reputation throughout the future. They might have thought since I purchased the home edition, I shouldn’t advertise my ability to make an accurate Bid/Schedule only limited to a one-trillion-dollar value; it was not my intent to go into a full-time business, although it’s my option whether I want to or not. As mentioned in my PhD dissertation, I know that a software training school at a Center of Excellence is a full-time job. Many people from around the country could gain knowledge from these classes. The first realization they will gain is their need to become W.B.S. savvy. ?
I think since I bought Microsoft Project Professional and a Microsoft Update erased it, the same thing happened with?the?2016 Professional I’d installed to s in comptance with my dissertation. I have the right to do what I please with my computer; I replaced the Microsoft-destroyed Dell Computer with this Lenovo from Best Buy and refused to install the New Outlook, where their errant A.I. and liberal attacks reside.? Besides, the original outlook is better at reading and coping with pasting when referencing technical articles. ????
It’s an awful gray area because many are adamant and die-hards about only utilizing P6. ?I feel sure it is due to a lack of information. I have examined several schedules over the years, and none of them would hold up to scrutiny and pass the examination by Schedule Risk Analysts or, even now, Schedule Forensic Analysts, as all of them were grossly incomplete works. Do these wannabes even think their work would receive an examination and pass it in a legal setting?
If you can open your mind briefly, you will be shocked and amazed by what I'm about to reveal. Many persons exist and function within a world of costs and time; often, job security hinges on the integrity of actual numbers. We live in litigious times, and there are several methods to C.Y.A. As this world-class expert has covered in other articles, using these methods also provides historical information on which future work can be based.?
What is a world-class expert? Let’s look at this Author for a moment. As a Guild Fellow, certificate, 00011 of the Guild of Project Controls, London, Great Britain, one of the highest ranked organizations in the world as proven by a Ph.D. evaluation of programs by “Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo, Ph.D., CDT, CCE, MScPM, MRICS, GPM-m.
?The purpose of my Ph.D. dissertation
The reason for constructing was never to inflate costs but to convey to others my volume of knowledge and my indispensability as a world-class Estimator/ Planner/ Scheduler/ Writer/Bid Analyst/Productivity Expert/Time Motion Expert of the work, tools, parts, and time needed by every craft, as compiled through a lifetime of experience and with expertise to record all of the same on paper.? ??
My dissertation highlighted what a real expert can perform with Office Professional when coupled with M.S. Project Professional scheduling software. Looking closely at my dissertation, one will see the Centers of Excellence section, which Microsoft overlooked when they pulled the plug on me.
I’m taking this time to stick this into the crew of the Juniper Specialties team, who never performed a proper schedule in the first place. There wasn’t any expertise in industrial projects, including creating deadly risks to personnel, the public, and the business. If they’d performed any honest search for expert Estimators/Schedulers who were experienced with Industrial, they might have saved a world of wasted money. (one billion dollars was wasted)
?Office Professional/365
What can we do in Microsoft Project Professional?2016, 2019, 2021 that P6 will not do? I don’t want to downplay P6, as they’ve earned their due, but now it's time to examine this 21st-century technology closely and understand its realistic capabilities.
Discussion for insight: There are 700,000 resources and 400,000 tasks for 1,100,000 opportunities. In Microsoft Project Professional 2019, Creating these notes and accessing Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Visio is only a click away. (First, with this functionality, my thoughts were the creation of Word tables. With the Word tables, we could create the enterprise’s I.M.P. Integrated Master Plan, wherein all the activities are captured, assigned, and cataloged in electronic files that are very easy to email to the appropriate personnel as needed. Other utilization of the word files include tables where hyperlinks can exist for document inventory. Visualize resumes, policies, procedures, risk analysis, and all other files stored as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio; they are immediately handy and quickly locatable on a 4-terabyte Crucial drive that will search file names at 500MB/second; similar speed applies for copying to and from the Crucial solid-state Drive.? ?
1.???? Open your Project Professional program for the creation of reports and other work:
1.1.? M.S. Word Files
1.1.1.????????? As this Author has stated about the power and functionality of Word for Office Professional, the older Word versions were table-limited to 2,600 pages per file. Now, we have 5,000 pages per file in Word with Office Professional, and the searchability is dramatically robust.
1.1.2.????????? Word for Office Professional is the perfect candidate for the I.M.P. Integrated Master Plan.
1.2.?????????????? M.S. PowerPoint Files
1.2.1.With these files, we can produce numerous reports for shareholders using Microsoft Office Professional, even with verbal comments.
1.3.?????????????? M.S. Excel Files
1.3.1.In my tests of these with my 64-bit 16 GB RAM computer, you can open more than 12 pages per Excel workbook.
1.3.2.With these files open in Excel, we can generate several huge Excel Tables to store information.
1.4.???????????? M.S. Project Professional General Notes
1.4.1.?? Resources per project 700,000; as any experienced person knows, there are never 700 thousand employees on a project. So, this is where the word: professional first comes into play
1.4.2.????????? Resource units per assignment 60,000,000 units or 6,000,000,000%
1.4.3.????????? Resource availability dates 100
1.4.4.????????? Tasks per project: 400,000. (Some will think four hundred thousand tasks are a limitation. However, let’s look at a comparison. A typical textbook contains about one hundred sixty thousand words, so 400,000/160,000 = 2.5 times more words in the tasks than a textbook contains. There seems to be a limitation when numbers are stated concerning a product, but let’s not forget the note capability in each task and resource where we can open Word, Excel, Visio, etc. files.
1.4.5.????????? Task dependencies per project: No limit
1.4.6.????????? Predecessors per task 50,000
1.4.7.????????? Successors per task 50,000
1.4.8.????????? Outline levels per project 65,535 Consolidated projects 998 Open project files per consolidated Project 998 Sharer files connected to a single resource pool 997. (The maximum number of open project files minus 1 for the resource pool.)? Open Windows 50.
1.4.9.????????? Base calendars Tested to 30,000+ Calendar exceptions per calendar Testing could add more than 15,000 exceptions to a base calendar.
1.4.10.?????? Rate tables to support varying pay scales and rates of 5 per resource.
1.4.11.?????? Variable rates per rate table to support rate increases and decreases 25.
1.4.12.?????? The Cost value in a currency field is $999,999,999,999.99; if we add one cent, we get one trillion dollars.
1.4.13.?????? Work value: 1,666,666,666 hours (I explained its usefulness for shipyards and professional firms. I also have detailed why this functionality is great for time/motion studies as there is not only the functionality for large numbers?but also entrepreneurial work for scientific data in determining the costs of goods sold. )
1.4.14.?????? Assignment work values for work Assignments 999,999,999 hours
1.4.15.?????? Assignment work values for variable
1.4.16.?????? Material assignments 999,999,999 units
1.4.17.?????? Assignment work values for fixed material assignments 60,000,000 units
1.4.18.?????? Custom cell formats 64,000
1.4.19.?????? Print scaling adjustment range Percentage 10%-500%
1.4.20.?????? Page header text five lines
1.4.21.?????? Page footer text three lines
1.4.22.?????? Page legend text three lines
1.4.23.?????? A Page legend text box width is 5 inches (12.7 centimeters)
1.4.24.?????? Filter tests per filter 40
1.4.25.?????? Filter tests per AutoFilter 2 per column
1.4.26.?????? The earliest date allowed for calculation is January 1, 1984
1.4.27.?????? The latest date allowed for calculation is December 31, 2149 (In Project 2010, the last date allowed for calculation is December 31, 2049.)
1.4.28.?????? Discontinuous selections in a sheet View 10
1.4.29.?????? Baselines 11 each
Centers of Excellence
The purpose of Centers of Excellence is to train people on the full functionality of scheduling software, which is accounting capable for productivity and costs, serves as a permanent record of a project/Program’s costs, Productivity, and activities, and generates numerous valuable reports.
I’d instead make this offer for a Center of Excellence to my Son’s (Charles Ryan Lowery’s Firm, ReCon) first and exclusively as the South’s premiere training Center for proper valuable Planning/Scheduling.
The need:
Microsoft’s Errors about this Author
When we examine this author's intent, as is further detailed in this paper, we realize that someone made a poor judgment when wiping out this author’s last computer. This confirmed, at my own cost, loss, and inconvenience, that AI has a long way to go before it can truthfully bear the name with intelligence attached. If it is brilliant, it will get into phraseology, not simple word picks like a database search. There are two suspicions about Microsoft’s sending a devastating download.
1st.??????????????? The day before the wipeout arrived, I sent a factual article of illogic’s to my cousin titled “The Insanity of the Left.” ?(If Microsoft’s AI were substantially functional, it would know that the information contained in the article is factual, and not simply one side bashing the other. If the truth hurts that bad, they should take their leaders off the world stage so they are not on public record.?
2nd. I bought and paid for the home edition of Office 365/Professional.
( And this included the 2021 version of Microsoft Project Profession that would be free for a couple of years before I would be charged 94 dollars per year after complaining on the consumer protection website. If their A.I. had proper functionality, they would know that I’m a practitioner of V&V, Validate, and Verification, and how would you answer the question, have you ever made a one-trillion-dollar Estimate/Schedule? Then, I would explain to the class the age-old problem of insufficient information getting to the Scheduler; my Guild’s Code of Ethics binds us not to share proprietary information with anyone else.
My mission is to train the world on proper, fully loaded scheduling so it can be critical and proactive for integral decision-making.
I’d written an informative letter to Carl Louviere since he might have the contact capability with a person who might have their head screwed on straight at Microsoft. In this letter, I explained my desire for a center of excellence that Carl might like to sponsor at his office since he is an IT guru. In this letter, I also stated that Microsoft has lost an excellent salesperson. How much money can be saved on a project when you no longer need the “old fashioned superintendent running around jumping everyone to hurry up? The adept scheduler knows everyone's work and can make complete reports to the crew leads and major shareholders when needed.? It would be best to barely have a P.M., except maybe to fuss at poor productivity as recorded.
?I bought Microsoft Project Professional 2019 a couple of years ago and enjoyed the fantastic functionality, but then an update that erased this software arrived. Without scheduling Software, I felt open to criticism after creating my PhD dissertation. If anyone had sent me complete information, I would have been caught without scheduling software, and the same would be valid for teaching a class with the software on screen.
Then, at my own expense, I bought this new Lenovo computer from Best Buy and a digital download of Project Professional 2019 to proceed with my class plans. I know better than downloading the New Outlook and those additional Microsoft programs. ?
Who is better at teaching a class in the science of correct scheduling and better-optimized use of software functionality for executive reporting?
The power of Microsoft Project Professional is explored
1st. It takes a bit of narrative to convey this information as it rambles through my mind with clarity on paper for all to understand. As a data specialist, I am a proud professional owner. Project Professional is a one-stop software for recording complete projects/programs and event details into a catalog. As I’m doing now, I have a 4-terabyte “Crucial” solid-state drive attached to my laptop. I’ll take a moment to explain the all-encompassing term, data. Data is pictures, receipts, reports, permits, documents, specifications, policies, procedures, market studies, E.G.S. Enterprise Grand Strategies, I.M.P. Integrated Master Plan, I.M.S. Integrated Master Schedule and drawings: Most documents are in PDF format, which the Crucial drive compresses into storage.
2nd.Hyperlinks are the electronic realm address to a file. The Crucial drive searches itself at 500MBS. The search and locating are immediate when the file names contain critical pertinent words.? ?
3rd. In a test performed on Friday, May 31, 2024, I placed 59 lines of table per page in Word. So 59 x 5,000 = 295,000 documents hyperlinked per word file.
4th.? If we utilize Excel for Office Professional, we have 65,530 hyperlinks per workbook page, and if we have 18 pages open in a workbook, 18x 65,530 = 1,179,540 hyperlinks per workbook.
5th.? With the functionalities above explored, all understand the power of complete project/program capture.
6th.? Something new this author realized is the capability to perform time/motion studies, which is an important function for entrepreneurs to determine time/cost for food preparation, etc. the use of these studies is detailed in my dissertation. ?
The risks of inept scheduling
1. How would you feel if someone you respected at work was fired due to your inept scheduling and poor decisions based upon your inadequate information?
2. How would you feel if you and everyone you worked with were fired due to poor decisions based on bogus information that bankrupted the project/program?
3. The company is going bankrupt due to decisions based on poor/inaccurate information. Scheduling is a science, not simply an art form for beginners to play with.
4. Competent scheduling involves super-accounting costs and productivity, and Microsoft Professional has now joined the club with Project Professional Software. All that is needed is a large group of competent/knowledgeable operators and owners who cooperate with the proper information supplied. ?
Who could benefit:
The list gets long. Microsoft Project Professional's versatility also allows for?setting the scheduling format from cash value to hours value and monitoring, the details of both.
1.???? Contractors, Building, Heavy, Commercial, Industrial, and Military; many of these people have scheduling software but are not adept with its complete utilization.
2.???? Property Developers
3.???? Business ?
4.???? Expanding Businesses
5.???? Boards of directors, especially with the team planning functionality.
6.???? Corporations
7.???? Architects
8.???? Engineering offices/firms, hourly schedules with precise reporting functionality
9.???? Industrials
10.? N.A.S.A.
11.? Space X
12.? Ship Builders
13.? All shipping companies and transporters
14.? D.O.T.s
15.? Trucking Industries
16.? Shipping Industries, especially when set to calculate hours only, holding this thought, we could calculate the costs for these voyages/trips.
17.? Shops: This author knows of shops using scheduling software to track everyone's performance and supply their clients with reliable timelines. ?
The Determination
Discussion of the functionality of Microsoft Project Professional creates many opportunities.
Note: 1) Training another person to be an adept scheduler like this author would be time-consuming. It's not easy to convey a lifetime of experience to another. Some of this training will involve hyperlinks, an extraordinary quantity in Microsoft Project Professional. I would also advise them to have a four-terabyte Crucial plug-in drive to record all information. I’ve been a technical reader/writer since 1964.
Note: 2) Due to my family history and work experience, I know the work of everyone participating in a project, including the person performing document control.
Note: 3) As becomes understood by the perusal of this document
This author knows his biased opinion, but if you hear me and have wisdom, you might agree with the information. Microsoft Project Professional allows an expert like this author to:
1.???? Create databases of all materials used on a project with Word or Excel Tables
1.1.?? This aids in keeping everyone on a job honest, so no pieces or parts are traveling home for a project there. It is just a matter of providing PDF copies of all purchases to the scheduler, who should have terabytes plugged into their computer. ?
2.???? Create databases of all pumps, seal plans, compressors, towers, instrumentation, control valves, analyzers, M.C.C. control equipment, transformers, etc. The only limit is knowledge of the need.? ?
2.1.?? When created initially, these databases are an excellent basis for populating the SAP or other C.M.M.S. Computerized Maintenance Management System, especially in Excel, which easily converts to a C.M.M.S. upload file format and an Asset Management Plan basis. ??
3.???? Create databases of contracts and subcontractors and complete costs and services.
4.???? Create R.F.P. Request for Proposals
5.???? Create databases of all the people and equipment on a job so that costs and the need for them can be tracked.
6.???? Create databases of Policies, Procedures, Risk Analysis, P.S.M. Process Safety Management, etc.
In finality
After this complete exploration and assessment of the two products’ functionality, Microsoft Project Professional wins, hands down, due to its fabulous functionality for 100% project/program indispensability.
About the author
What is a world-class expert? Let’s look at this Author for a moment. As a Guild Fellow, certificate 00011 of the Guild of Project Controls, London, Great Britain, one of the highest-ranked organizations in the world, as proven through a Ph.D. evaluation of programs, as occurred by “Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo, Ph.D., CDT, CCE, MScPM, MRICS, GPM-m. His evaluation can be found on the PMWJ, Project Management World Journal Website or obtained from this Author.?
1.????? How do you answer if anyone asks if you have ever accomplished a Mega-Estimate? I have, but never with Microsoft Project. I was the estimator who successfully bid for the miles of the?P66 Flare line mega-bid.
2.????? Who best teaches a class to “Would/Could be schedulers at a Center of Excellence?
2.1.? One who knows the complete finite elements of Scheduling software of Microsoft Project Professional 2019 and can generate the plethora of reports utilized by other cost professionals. ?
2.2.? One who knows schedule risk analysis inputs
2.3.? One who can make an Estimate/Schedule is only limited in value to one trillion dollars per schedule. A project?can make a second or third schedule if it exceeds one trillion. ?
2.4.? One who has practiced competitive bidding for decades.
2.5.? One with 700,000 resources in his scheduling program?can assign a calendar to calculate the entire cost.
2.6.? One who can catalog every piece, part, and cost of a project/program.
2.7.? One who can catalog 1,666,666,666,666 hours of work
2.8.? One who can advise on and facilitate Project Risk Analysis.
2.9.? One who can advise on the D.S.P. Decision Support Package.
2.10.? One who has performed competitive bidding for more than a decade.
2.11.? One who can generate a C.M.S. Competency Management System.
2.12.? Create and skillfully utilize databases.
2.13.? One who can make a proper Organizational estimate Breakdown Schedule.
2.14.? One who can create an Asset Database.
2.15.? One who has created S.O.P. Standard Operating Procedures for three chemical plants.
2.16.? One who has created Solutions Databases for Operations and Maintenance.
3.????? Who is the best person to teach the proper method for scheduling??