Aravind Shakamuri
Entrepreneur with skillset in - Customer Success, GTM Strategy and PM
Whammo, you’ve nailed the prospecting call and landed a sales meeting.
Now you need to schedule it in a way that maximizes your chances of it going well.
What does the data say about the best and worst times to schedule a first meeting in the sales process, and how long it should be?
First of all, it shows us that picking the right day and time will help you avoid no-shows.
Afternoons, for example, are better for sales calls than mornings.
Surprised? We were too. Calls scheduled in the afternoon have fewer no-shows, and prospects stay on the call longer.
People are stretched in too many directions in the morning. They just want to get through their own tasks. Let them !
They’re 30% more likely to show up for a call at 4 PM than at 8 AM. Unfortunately, most salespeople schedule calls at the wrong times
Don’t worry too much about which day of the week you choose. If you want to prevent no-shows, days of the week don’t matter so much … except for weekends when the no-show rate is 4x higher than on a typical weekday.
Timing is such an easy fix.
Now that you’ve picked the time and day for your call, how long should it last?
Are you better off with a 20-minute or a one-hour call?
Data found that most calls peak at the 30- and 60-minute marks.
That makes sense given how most of us book our calendars in 30- and 60-minute increments.
So which is more likely to get you to the next step in the sales process?
Neither of them. There’s absolutely no correlation between the duration of the first call and the likelihood of getting a second meeting.
But… There’s one important difference between the 30- and the 60-minute calls: whether the prospect shows up at all.
Your prospect is 12% more likely to show up for a 30-minute calendar slot than a 60-minute one
While we assume that complex products require 60 minutes to explain, the top reps keep their first calls lean no matter the product.
They boil their sales process down to the golden nuggets to get the prospect more intrigued than ever.
Go with quality over quantity.
Article Credits : This is a simplified version of article originally posted by
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