Schedule Your Day for Maximum Impact
I don't know if there's ever a more important time to have a schedule than being when you're quarantined and when you've got kids at home and you're working from your dining room table or wherever you designated as your workspace. You need a schedule, and I'm convinced not just for pastors, but anybody who's working from home, which is now tens of millions of people, that you start your day by setting a schedule. Let me give you a few tips for setting your schedule. Tip number one, when you set your schedule, start early. I would not recommend you start your schedule at noon or one o'clock. You may choose to do that, and if that works for you, fine. But I would try your best to start your schedule about the time that you usually start your workday. If you start your workday at 8:30 try to start your schedule at 8:30.
Here's your second tip. Work first. If you make your schedule and it's going to be different being quarantined and especially if you have children at home, your schedule is probably going to have times written where you're doing things with your kids. Try to start by getting some work done first. That might mean that the first hour of the day the kids are doing their e-learning or the kids have these activities they're doing and I'm going to try to do my most important work that first hour of the day. Decide what work you're going to do; put it in your schedule as early as you can. And here's what you need to think about. You need to think about your ROI; not just your return on investment because you are investing some time, but even your return on impact. So what am I going to do first that's going to have the greatest impact?