Schedule Excellence!

Schedule Excellence!

That's right! Put excellence on your schedule! Why not? We have the choice of being excellent at whatever we do. Do you know what excellence looks like? It might be different from person to person. Not sure what yours might look like. Find a model/mentor of where you want to be. Study the model/person. What are their habits? What is their motivation. Implement these ideals into your program. Then put your own twist into it to make it your style. Have you ever seen how children emulate Micheal Jordan on the basketball court? They study him, then use his style jumping through the air. They mimic him, and when they are ready they put their own style on it. What if evreything we did we strived for excellence. Holding ourselves accountable. Listening to the voice in our head telling us we can do better. Excellence is a choice right? So examine yourself. Even in basic tasks. Are you performing at peak level? 2021 is creeping while we're sleeping! Let's go kick some butt today!

Stay encouraged!


