Schaltbau connectors ensure safe and reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions

Schaltbau connectors ensure safe and reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions

When safety and people's health are dependent on technology – as in transportation, mechanical engineering, lighting, food processing, battery charging, mining or offshore operations – the rugged heavy-duty connectors from Schaltbau are first choice.

Customer profile

  • Application: Filling and portioning systems
  • Industry: Food industry
  • Country: Germany

Customer case

  • Food manufacturing companies must meet the strictest hygiene standards and ensure the highest level of product safety.
  • A leading manufacturer of filler and portioning systems needed a reliable connection between their modular devices, which can operate under harsh conditions and withstand aggressive cleansing agents used during the daily cleaning routine.
  • The modular design of the system requires a modular connector with diverse mounting options, as well as mechanical coding to ensure only correct combinations of connections.

Schaltbau solution

M series universal industrial connectors

To meet the customer’s needs, Schaltbau has offered the M series connectors. They ensure reliable operation by:

  • being dustproof and water pressure tight.
  • being resistant to the effects of aggressive liquids and vapors as well as the extreme temperatures in a range from –50° C up to +100° C.
  • having a modular design and allowing many variations of assembly to fit the application.
  • having a wide power range: from 4 + PE up to 7+7+PE different layouts for power and signal.



