Scenarios for the Future

Scenarios for the Future

New Year brings new opportunities. New possibilities for the development of the society and the economy, as well as new jokers that can change everything.

I tried to look into the future, imagine its various scenarios.

Today, in an era of instability, this approach is especially in demand by companies, as it provides ample opportunities for anti-crisis planning.

Scenarios occupy a special place in the system of methods of strategic analytics and forecasting. These consistent, systemic descriptions of futures make it possible to structure uncertainty well, answer the “what if” question, evaluate the potential effects and consequences of each scenario, and unite stakeholders around the discussion of the desired future. Scenarios were used by ancient Chinese commanders, who calculated far ahead the actions of the enemy.

In the world literature, there are about 40 different scenarios for the development of the future, covering the horizon from 10 to 50 and even 100 years, based on complex mathematical models, analysis of megatrends or the imagination of bright personalities - talented science fiction writers, futurologists, philosophers, such as Jules Verne or George Orwell, which provided the basis for cult science fiction films: "The Phenomenon", "The Day After Tomorrow", "Excellence", "Terminator", "The Matrix" and many others.

Based on data from leading international organizations and think tanks, the results of studying global trends and wildcards, let's imagine three visionary scenarios.

Scenario 1: Techno-future: All At Once

Often, scenarios based on technological development are considered in an overly fantastic way: free intergalactic flights, teleportation, immortality, or time management. One of the world's famous futurologists, Michio Kaku, even published a series of books "Physics of the Future" and "Physics of the Impossible", where the fantasies of colleagues are analyzed in detail at the current level of understanding of science. However, miracles can be much closer and more prosaic. The level of technological development in the world is so heterogeneous that at one point in time in different regions one can detect a difference of three or four technological modes, and for more backward countries, the achievement of leaders, to paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke, will seem like a fairy tale.

Among the key drivers of this scenario is a significant reduction in the cost of a family of advanced technologies, such as digital twins, smart materials, 3-4-5D printing, neural interfaces, cell therapy and regenerative technologies, bio- and nature-like technologies, quantum computing and communications, and many others. However, any advanced technology in the limit becomes practically free and is widely used, and the time period from invention to total penetration is reduced every year - it is enough, for example, to look at the speed of the spread of the Internet in the world, the fall in prices per minute of conversation or a megabyte of memory for storing information.

What will happen if, on the horizon of five to seven years, the level of technological development of the lagging countries and regions equals the leaders? For business, this means a strong transformation in the cost of products and services: the chances of reducing it while complicating the structure itself, moreover, what will dominate in it - the cost of resources or technology - remains a question. Increasing competition and ensuring a competitiveness that can no longer be supported only by the presence of advanced technologies or access to resources will be no less a problem. Among the additional factors that will have to be taken into account are compliance with various standards that go far beyond the discussed ESG or the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), cyber-, bio- and food security, taking into account the priorities of society and the state. Companies are likely to face several strategic forks, the passage of which will determine their future for the next decade. Among the most significant:

Institutional Organization of Companies: what will they be - turquoise (built on the principles of maximum transparency and self-government, without hierarchy. - RBC), autonomous, decentralized based on decentralized registry technologies (DAO), digital ecosystem or autocratic, military type;

Work Format: office - face-to-face, online or hybrid - cyber-physical;

Focus of Work: multidisciplinarity (“wherever there is money”) or concentration on certain sectors and directions;

Expectations of Society and the State from Business: jobs, goods, services and taxes, or space for unlocking the potential and caring for society and nature.

Finally, an important role is played by the readiness of organizations for a sharp increase in efficiency and the need to retrain or dismiss personnel while maintaining social obligations, especially in single-industry towns. The implementation of these bifurcations largely determines who will have market power and sovereignty: the companies themselves, which will allow them to “impose” their products and services on society, or the consumer who dictates his terms.

An important result of the implementation of such a scenario will be, to paraphrase Hegel, the transition of quantity into quality - techno-economics, which allows to radically reduce the transaction costs of economic agents, smart cities and industries that quickly adapt to new realities, a digital society connected by virtual worlds based on augmented and virtual reality technologies , distributed smart grids and transport systems, nature-neutral factories, cleaning up the planet from garbage and restoring the biodiversity of ecosystems.

Scenario 2: Social Middle Ages 2.0

To implement the first scenario, the readiness of the people themselves, society for such a future is necessary. However, the experiments of developed countries — Germany, Canada, Finland — with the payment of an unconditional basic income, which began even before the pandemic, did not show unambiguously positive results: not all participants began to devote their lives to art, creativity, philanthropy and sports. Perhaps, with the development of modern technologies, we will find ourselves in a kind of intersection of the concepts of the Middle Ages 2.0 and Socialism 2.0.

The sharp polarization of society, the emergence of a large number of new "religions" - from following special diets to transhumanism and biohacking, the likelihood of the development of new centers of power in the international arena, not limited by territorial boundaries, increasingly incline a number of experts to reason in terms of historical and cultural paradigms, appealing now to medieval studies, then to political science and philosophy. The ability of companies, especially transnational ones, to build their own ecosystems on an extraterritorial basis suggests the possibility of creating new feudal classes based, for example, on digital user ratings or various subscriptions. The fusion of digital and physical reality can already be observed, for example, in the gaming industry, the NFT sector, the unfolding virtual worlds and the digitization of entire states. How deeply this will affect the existing structure of society, we only have to find out, but the demands of the planet's population for the transformation of the institutions of the last century are becoming louder in the new reality.

Scenario 3: Deck of Jokers

If we leave aside such frequently discussed futurological scenarios as the seizure of power by AI or cyborgs, a total blackout, the water world, the ice age, the arrival of aliens, the fall of a meteorite, the apocalypse after a nuclear explosion or disease, then we can identify several possible options for our future, the onset of which so far it is difficult to call it probable, but they should not be discounted.

Immortal Society. Many outstanding personalities, such as Jose Luis Cordeiro or Raymond Kurzweil, Google's chief futurist, do not exclude that humanity will be able to gain immortality in 25–35 years. Even in the case of a radical increase in average life expectancy, for example, to 120-130 years, virtually all sectors of the economy and public life will undergo a significant correction. Already, the markets for products for the elderly are valued at $1-1.2 trillion, and the dominance of the so-called "silver economy" does not look impossible.

Age may no longer be an advantage or disadvantage in employment or social benefits. One of the key issues of such a society will be the question of "why", associated with goal setting and the meaning of life. Perhaps many will be willing to pay for the opportunity to work and feel needed and included.

Digital parasites controlling the brain. Recent studies by scientists provide more and more information about the inner world and the drivers of human behavior. If we add to this the increasing frequency of experiments with biotechnology, the lowering of the investment threshold for the equipment of a modern biological laboratory in literally every school, then the likelihood of the emergence and mass spread of microorganisms that control humans does not look zero. And taking into account the fact that the number of items (items) in the Internet of things has already exceeded the population of the earth, further merging of technologies and humans can lead to the fact that digital organisms will act as such parasites.

The merge of man, computer and nature. Calling rain with the power of thought, stopping an earthquake, or starting the process of terraforming in your country house - all this may become a routine task for the first generation of Mars colonizers, which Elon Musk promises to provide by 2050. Will we move on to full or even partial symbiosis with the environment, and who will control whom?

Using the brain's capabilities at 100%. In the near future, this may be possible thanks to breakthroughs in fundamental research and their application, for example, based on neural interfaces or pharmacology, the design of which is carried out using AI. Whether such an impulse in practice will look like the plot of the movie "Lucy", or whether it will throw us back to the origins of creation is a big question.

Research in physics, mathematics, astronomy and other sciences can lead us down the rabbit hole. A number of scientists claim that all our knowledge of the current world fits into only 5% of what actually exists, which means that there is room for various scenarios, ranging from time travel to walking through universes through doors created, for example , based on the Poincare conjecture proved by Perelman.

A world without food and hunger. This is probably one of the most achievable scenarios from a technological point of view, especially taking into account breakthroughs in the field of genetic research, smart agriculture and food technology, investments in start-ups of which, according to various estimates, range from $20-40 billion annually. Whether society will be ready to change its food baskets, and governments of countries to solve this problem, is a big question, especially against the backdrop of the FAO's negative forecast of an impending global food crisis.

Reality on demand. Performances and films in which the audience participates in the development of the plot can become part of our lives in the form of gamification. Whoever has more "credits" - points, orders his own reality, forming his own day in the cyber-physical world. A matrix based on the principles of Web 3.0, where each participant can get an individual picture of the present and the future. At the very least, Web 3.0 markets are already worth $110 billion in 2021, according to McKinsey, and Gartner has positioned the technology at the top of its curve in 2022.

Stagnation 2.0, in which "nothing will change." The techno optimists' worst nightmare may turn out to be the wild card we're not prepared for. Technology and advanced research will go into another period of dormancy due to sharp cuts or suspension of funding, rising costs of materials and energy, reverse industrialization of countries and a rollback to previous technologies. This period can last 20-30 years.

Scenario development is often preceded by an analysis of trends—technological, social, economic, demographic, value, political, environmental, or regulatory. Preconditions and forks of further development are built on them and their effects. And although the scenarios themselves are unlikely to manifest themselves in reality in a “pure”, unchanged form, they at least allow us to look at our future in a broader, more structured and systematic way. Which way we will go further, which road map we will draw up depends on us, because the future, let's hope, is not yet predetermined.


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