Scenario Planning is about freeing the Filters in your Mind...
Backcasting produces amazing results that are connected to present-day scenarios - the relevance - Shell, please ask about the significance of Energy.

Scenario Planning is about freeing the Filters in your Mind...

Simon Sinek observes that companies often express frustration towards visionary firms that think long-term and wonder how they achieve such foresight? This confusion extends to scenario planning, where the integration of systems thinking with emotional intelligence is proposed by some consultants. However, many systems thinking consultants rush into identifying and solving problems as they or the client perceive them, which often proves ineffective. Why is this?

The primary challenge is that problems are typically only vaguely identified by clients, which are a significant initial barrier and often based on assumptions that are not necessarily validated or challenged. This underscores the importance of training in 'Awakened Leadership' beforehand to prevent unproductive feedback loops

A fundamental issue both clients and consultants face is the prevalent linear thinking patterns, that are conditioned by our education system that oversimplify complex issues by suggesting straightforward causal relationships. Despite many believing ourselves liberated from this narrow mindset, we often remain trapped and bound within it.

This is easily demonstrated in our 'Awakened Leadership' programme.

Working with the Innovation Managers and Scientists at Shell - we were given carte blanche to explore new lines of enquiry that proved hugely beneficial and resulted in many new innovations and patents, that was accompanied by enhanced thinking, as well as, the launch of a complete new company that came out of our 'awakened leadership' and 'system thinking' approach.

To counteract these conditioned responses we introduce emotional intelligence which is crucial in developing the capacity to explore alternative perspectives, essentially helping to de-programme conditioned thought patterns. However, the challenge may persist as consultants themselves are often bound by the same linear thinking, leading to increased tension and unproductive outcomes where traditional methodologies may be challenged but without yielding any significant revelations or results.

I am sure this is not a surprise to most organisations.

Most consultants will look at the work we did with Shell - and presume they are savvy enough to map out the problems with systems thinking - without a clear understanding of the conditional thinking that may accompany them. As neuroscience gets a hold of unconscious bias - it is often too late to unlearn our own propensities that may harbour discriminatory viewpoints on Innovation and how it works in practice. The workshops themselves were a small part of the costs - the scientists and business leaders had flown in from all the far corners of the world, especially for the experiences. Our reputation preceded us.

Filters of the Mind

The filters of the mind are the cognitive mechanisms that shape how we perceive, interpret, and respond to the world around us. Imagine is we could minimise their limitations. These filters include:

Our beliefs, conditional thinking and values act as filters, influencing how we interpret information and events. They can affect our perceptions by filtering out information that contradict or challenge our existing beliefs (confirmation bias).

Our expectations about the future or outcomes of events can also act as filters, influencing how we interpret current experiences and shaping our reactions to them.

Our past experiences, memories, and learned associations act as filters, shaping our perceptions and responses to similar situations in the present. These experiences can create biases or predispositions that influence how we interpret and react to new information.

Cultural norms, societal expectations, and collective beliefs can act as filters, shaping our worldview and influencing how we perceive and interpret the world around us. So how do we do this?

Psychological safety is imperative - if we intend to Innovate and come up with worthwhile solutions.

Our current emotional state can act as a filter, colouring our perceptions and interpretations of events. For example, when we're feeling stressed or anxious, we may be more likely to perceive neutral situations as threatening or negative.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage both our own emotions and those of others. The concept of emotional intelligence intersects with the filters of the mind in several ways...


Emotional intelligence begins with self-awareness, which involves recognizing and understanding our own emotions, as well as the factors that influence them. Understanding our cognitive filters allows us to become more aware of how they shape our emotional responses and behaviours.


Once we're aware of our emotional triggers and cognitive biases, emotional intelligence helps us regulate our responses more effectively. By recognizing how our filters influence our emotions and behaviours, we can learn to manage them in ways that are constructive and adaptive.


Empathy is a key component of emotional intelligence, and involves understanding and empathizing with the emotions and perspectives of others. By recognizing the influence of cognitive filters, we can better appreciate how others' beliefs, values, and past experiences shape their emotions and behaviors.

In summary, emotional intelligence and the filters of the mind are closely intertwined, with emotional intelligence providing the framework for recognizing and managing the influence of cognitive filters on our emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. Developing emotional intelligence can enhance our ability to navigate the complexities of human interaction and foster personal and professional success.

Systems thinking is a holistic approach to understanding complex systems by analyzing how individual components interact and influence each other within the larger system. It involves recognizing patterns, feedback loops, and interconnectedness to gain insights into how systems behave over time. Here's how systems thinking relates to emotional intelligence and the filters of the mind:

Understanding Interconnections

Systems thinking encourages us to consider the interconnectedness of various factors within a system. Similarly, emotional intelligence and the filters of the mind highlight how our beliefs, emotions, and past experiences are interconnected and influence each other.

Adaptability and Resilience:

Systems thinking encourages adaptability and resilience by recognizing that systems are dynamic and subject to evolutionary change. Emotional intelligence similarly promotes adaptability by helping us recognize and adapt to changes in our emotional and cognitive processes. By applying systems thinking principles to emotional intelligence, we can better navigate complex and changing environments.

Awakened Leadership

Awakened thinking is essential for effective leadership, as it enables leaders to understand and navigate the complexities of the systems they operate within. Emotional intelligence is also crucial for leadership, as it fosters self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. Integrating systems thinking with emotional intelligence can enhance leaders' ability to understand and influence the dynamics of complex systems, both within themselves and in their organizations.

In essence, systems thinking provides a framework for understanding the interconnectedness and dynamics of complex systems, whilst emotional intelligence and the Flters of the mind offer insights into how individual beliefs, emotions, and behaviours contribute to these systems. By integrating these perspectives, we can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, leading to more effective decision-making and problem-solving.

You do not know what you do not know - but if your mind isn't prepared for Innovation and opportunity recognition then it is just a guessing game.

This is a better response...

"The Innovation Matrix process helped enormously with our Ambitious Business Challenges and launch of Shell Global Solutions, the process is genius and provokes new solutions," Dr Allan Samuel. Chief Scientific Officer, Shell.

"Awakened exercises like these not only reinforce individual Emotional Intelligence skills but also build a sense of community and shared learning among participants, making the principles of emotional intelligence vividly relevant in both integrated into personal and professional spheres."

"The process is a game-changer in the context of an adaptive world that is anything but knowable." Dr John Potter, Course Director, Sandhurst Royal Military Academy.

"We penetrated many new global markets thanks to their Innovation Matrix." Nigel Ball, MD. Adroit Technologies,. Open Automation Software - Nuclear Power.

For details on managing and mastering these Scenario Planning processes that we embarked on for Shell, Rolls Royce, ABB and many Technology Start-ups throughout the world contact [email protected]

"This different way of thinking and innovating will create wealth beyond measure." Chris Thorpe, Science Editor.

"I champion Awakened, Integrated Leadership in Innovation and Systems Thinking in Scientific Innovation (Quantum Sensors) and AI Technology for Education, Health and Wellbeing across cultures and borders for the benefit of humankind." John Rainford.

Nicholas Clarke

Visionary technologist and lateral thinker driving market value in regulated, complex ecosystems. Open to leadership roles.

5 个月


Ester Romano

Pastora | Mediadora de Conflitos | Coach de Inteligência Emocional | Análista de Crítica Literária

6 个月

Good afternoon, perfect my friend! a great end to Thursday John Rainford FRSA FTLS

Karanbir Singh

Learning Median | Cognitive Balance | Evolving In Education | Earth Spark! | Satisfaction Economy

6 个月

Wholeheartedly agree. Cognitive balance needs to be recognized as an essential skill.

Nicholas Clarke

Visionary technologist and lateral thinker driving market value in regulated, complex ecosystems. Open to leadership roles.

6 个月

I 100% love everything about this. I have nothing to correct or adjust from what you have. I would add on top of. Moral authority. It is an actual thing that is a timelessness. There are doubtless temporal ethics. But then there are firm ethics. Timeless, moral authority. With this view of the future, projections can be made that are accurate to what evolutionary probability could be, because we are nature. So we can see through our nature, into possible futures with a high degree of accuracy, but only if we are grounded in Earth and her ethics.


