Updated: A Scary Scenario: Hypnosis Coupled with Pulsed-Microwave Devices
REF 4, 1980s device.

Updated: A Scary Scenario: Hypnosis Coupled with Pulsed-Microwave Devices

'The condition most commonly associated with hallucinations is schizophrenia. The auditory hallucinations that are often considered diagnostic of schizophrenia are sufficiently similar to those that can be induced in hypnosis that Szechtman, Woody, Bowers, and Nahmias (1998) used hypnosis-induced auditory hallucinations as an analogue to those experienced by schizophrenia patients.'[1]

'White matter in the brain comprises the interconnections between neurons. Conceivably, possession of more interconnections confers a greater ability to self-generate “reality,” rather than relying on external stimuli as the basis. In yet another parallel, Seok et al. (2007) report greater white matter density in schizophrenics who experience auditory hallucinations. Of course, schizophrenic hallucinations come unbidden, whereas in hypnosis they appear to order. However, recall that a correlation exists between scores on schizotypy scales and levels of hypnotizability (sec. 6).'[1]

'I have shown (Naish, 2010) that right-handed individuals who are highly hypnotizable are more than averagely left hemisphere biased while they are unhypnotized.'[1]

'Moreover, it has been observed that schizophrenia patients frequently show unclear hemispheric dominance, that is, they are neither strongly right nor thoroughly left handed.'[1]

'PTSD sufferers experience considerable time distortion for the events, and they tend to be more than averagely susceptible to hypnosis (Yard, DuHamel, & Galynker, 2008).'

'Exposure to pulsed microwave fields has been shown to affect cerebral electrical activity. Studies have observed large perturbations in cerebral electrical activity and direct action of these fields on cerebral neurons (Servantie et al., 1975).'

'Likewise, we can imagine a scenario in which I place a dagger in front of you and then cause you to have a hallucination that exactly represents such a dagger by feeding you a drug or directly stimulating your brain with electrodes or magnetism or some other method that makes you hallucinate daggers of exactly that type. (While we don’t think that neuroscientists can at present create such complex hallucinations, we do know that they can reliably cause visual hallucinations of certain basic types in people, and there seems no reason to think that in the future, they will not possess such abilities.) These examples make the possibility of veridical hallucination clear.'[1]

Modulated Microwave Hearing Devices:

If you think this is science fiction, the US Veterans Administration developed a modulated microwave hearing device that could transmit 9 words silently in 1975.[14] The MEDUSA technology allows one to transmit audible voices silently. The author[13] is a PhD.[13a: Biography]

'The U.S. Army, and potentially the U.S. Secret Service, is using MEDUSA or similar technology as well as the technology described in another U.S. Patent.(19)'[13]

'In 1996 the U.S. Air Force filed a patent for a “method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect.” The patent delineated a device that would cause victims to perceive hearing voices. The U.S. Patent and Trade Office granted the patent in 2002.20 In fundamental terms, this is how it works: The inner ear has sections filled with air and fluid that are vulnerable to microwaves at specific frequencies. The human head acts as an antenna for microwaves. When the head receives those microwave signals, they slightly heat those inner-ear sections, causing them to expand and shift. The human body does not feel the heat or expansions, but the ear records the shifts. The ear’s design requires it to interpret the variations as sound, which is a function of the microwave frequency. By modulating the frequencies (i.e., changing the shifts in the inner ear), it is possible to form words. The volume at which the sound is heard is a function of the power of the microwaves. Unfortunately, a patent has to describe how the technology works in sufficient detail to guarantee the patentee’s intellectual property rights, and this one provides insight on how to build this device.'[13]

'Through the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, the U.S. government can prevent a patent’s disclosure. I think this patent presents a possible threat to national security and should fall under the Invention Secrecy Act as the implications of building this microwave weapon are terrifying. This weapon may induce mental illness or cause a person to act irrationally.'[13]

'Although it is a grim reality, we need to acknowledge these types of microwave weapons exist. Neurological and Frey effect weapons are extremely concerning given that they have the potential to cause brain damage and make mind control feasible. On this basis, I think the United Nations should consider banning their use.'[13]


As I considered AHI or Havana Syndrome and the public's fear of microwave devices, I decided to look into the possibility that a whistleblower or other unwilling victim could become a victim of a psychopath(s)[8] or other criminal networks [9]. Could a network use the pulsed-microwave device called the voice of god[3] along with a pulsed-microwave weaspon[4-6] to hypnotize a person and make them appear schizophrenic[1; Chapter 7]. Also, if the dark personality is a hacker, he/she can flash subliminal messages and induce the power of suggestion that, according to Yale, can have an effect for 2-3 weeks.

I am a very left-hemisphere person when considering the brain. I also have combat PTSD. In addition, I have a fluidized intelligence IQ of 132, which is 98th percentile, so I likely have significant white matter. Therefore, I am likely highly hypnotizable[1]. According to the CIA,

CIA Quote: “Several more recent approaches, which might be called motivational theories of hypnosis, hold that achievement of trance is related to the subject’s desire to enter such a state. Experimentalists and clinicians who take the motivational view–including the present writer, whose conclusions on the subject of this paper are undoubtedly colored by it–believe that it accounts best for the major portion of the clinical data. Trance is commonly induced in situations where the subject is motivated a priori to cooperate with the hypnotist, usually to obtain relief from suffering, to contribute to a scientific study, or (as in a stage performance) to become a center of attraction. Almost all information currently available about hypnosis has been derived from such situations, and this fact must be kept in mind when one attempts to apply the data theoretically to situations different from these.” [10]

So, let us say a psychopath uses the voice of god device and a pulsed-microwave weapon to cause pain and schizophrenia-like symptoms, and uses subliminal messages on a computer to suggest the government wants to help them with their psychopathic criminal. This could cause the victim's subconscious to enter a state of higher hypnotizability. The victim would want to be hypnotized. Then, the voice of god could be used to elicit a state of schizophrenia with voices so that the psychopath(s) could get away with a crime because the voice of god would not have to be used if an investigation ensues.

In truth, it would likely take the US NSA to capture the pulsed-microwave devices. The NSA has had this ability since the 1970[11]s, and I hypothesize they can do it by satellite now, especially since they can do more than a septillion operations per second with their computers[12].

'Crypto City is home to the largest collection of hyperpowerful computers, advanced mathematicians, and language experts on the planet. Within the fence, time is measured by the femtosecond—one million billionth of a second—and scientists work in secret to develop computers capable of performing more than one septillion(1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) operations every second.'[11]

The NSA could process 320 million words per minute with their computers in the 1980s.

'With a random access semiconductor memory capable of transferring up to 320 million words per second, or the equivalent of about twenty-five hundred 300-page books, NSA could not have been disappointed.'[11]

I would hypothesize that the NSA has quantum computers that could be hooked up in parallel. If the commercial IBM accomplishment of 100 qubits would be the NSA minimum with superior fault tolerance, it can theoretically reach 2^100 states because of superposition, and 10 such quantum computers were hooked up in parallel, the states would be astronomical. So, NSA AI would be remarkable and the ability to monitor short distance line of sight microwaves realizable--could probably do it with older computers too. So, there is hope. Sadly, local police don't have this ability nor the technical knowledge.

At this time, there are very few laws against pulsed-microwave devices. We need to change that.


[1] Macpherson, Fiona; Platchias, Dimitris. Hallucination: Philosophy and Psychology. MIT Press. Kindle Edition.

[2] Zelazo PD, Moscovitch M, Thompson E, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. Cambridge University Press; 2007.

[3] (2022). "Pure Evil": Microwave Voice of God. URL: https://www.fwweekly.com/2022/04/07/pure-evil/

[4] Frankel, M. J., & Toton, E. T. Defending Against Directed Energy Weapons: RF Weapons and Lasers. 1-16.

[5]? Krishnan, A. (2016). Military Neuroscience and the Coming Age of Neurowarfare. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

[6] Harding, Chris.

A brief example of microwave biophysical and hearing effects from the 1970s

[7] Lampe, Von Klaus. Organized crime: analyzing illegal activities, criminal structures, and extralegal governance

[8] Kiehl KA. The Psychopath Whisperer?: The Science of Those Without a Conscience. First edition. Crown Publishers, Random House; 2014.

[9] For Dummies. Hypnotizing Yourself. Retrieved (2016, June 03). dummies[online]. Available from: https://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/hypnotizing-yourself.html? ; Google URL: https://goo.gl/IFHdpq?

[10] US Central Intelligence Agency. Deshere, Edward F. (1993, Sept. 22). Hypnosis in Interrogation. Retrieved (2018, Feb. 12). cia[gov]. Available from: https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol4no1/html/v04i1a05p_0001.htm

[11] Bamford, James. The Puzzle Palace: A Report on NSA, America's Most Secret Agency (p. 152). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.

[12] Bamford, James. Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (p. 4). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

[13] Del Monte,?L.?A.?(2021).?War at the Speed of Light: Directed-Energy Weapons and the Future of Twenty-First-Century Warfare.?United States:?Potomac Books.

[13a] About Louis Del Monte | Science Technology Savvy Life Strategies

[14] Justesen, D. R. (1975). Microwaves and behavior. American Psychologist, 30(3), 391–401. https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.30.3.391


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