Scary Monsters and Super Creeps
I'll give you reasons to hate Monday. Not only is it like Planet of the Apes; the minority of jerks still employed are front and center on Monday. I have a different detail and deal with lesser men.
And a few I like. There is a handful of jerks on the job. Different people have different relationships. I have never and shall never get along with people who feel they are more important than the job.
When I started this journey? Almost one-third of the office was populated with jerks. Surrounding myself with good employees? I did not succumb to the entitled old people. If you think younger generations act entitled? Meet some geriatrics on a job where they can't get fired.
Lucky for me? Most of those employees retired. They are not missed. Many good employees have retired and I shall always speak of them fondly. Today I was next to a nice colleague, one of my favorites right now, and across from a jerk.
Both had a lot of work in front of them. The one I like was frustrated and I helped him as I could. If nothing else? Let him vent: it's an aggravating situation. The one who yells at me like he is training a dog? I could not care less if he does not like his work situation.
He is someone who talks on the phone as he works. Because his "Business" is more important than the job where he is paid. He can act important. He wasn't too important to contract Covid 19. Lucky for me he puts up walls so I am always more than six feet away from him.
While it is probably similar training a male or female dog? When he put on airs I told the female supervisor "He treats me like a bitch." Contextually? He did and she was appropriately shocked.
Having outlasted many bad people? I shall weather the storm. The miscreants did not do anything worse today. They also did nothing better to make me feel like they have good points. Some brag they have done "Nothing bad" for a long time. This is not a parole hearing.
Doing "Nothing Bad" is not the same as doing "Something Good." If you borrow no more? There is still an old debt. I am more interested in colleagues who feel like compound interest. There are a lot more good people and I learned long ago to embrace the greatness and ignore the ignorant.
Create a legacy that is more than showing how not to treat others. The abusive supervisor I started with inspires me to treat new employees the opposite way. Whether they stay or find other opportunities? They should feel better in the moment. Be mutually beneficial. Too many jerks care about their own pleasure and no one else's.
Work should be a relationship, not a means to an end. Acting superior to others reflects poorly on the individual. I never met anyone who put on airs who was a well adjusted, successful person. I have known friendly millionaires and uppity welfare recipients. Regardless of your net worth? Bring something better to the table than how others can make you feel better.
People like that are never satisfied. No matter how much you do? They want more. Know when to draw the line and seek out better people. Culture is changed one person at a time. It can be a slow process. It is always worth the effort.
Mag3(135),Mig2(131),Tig2(141),BMBE(111), Allround monteur
3 年Well spoken Thomas! I Hope tuesday will improve your week...