Scars leave their mark... but still, you can grow.
Have you ever gone through a rough patch in your life?
Who am I kidding, we all have gone through tough times. It could be financial, emotional, or professional, doesn’t matter.
When things get rough, only we get to deal with our trauma. The worse part is that no one truly understands your pain.
“Come on, just snap out of it.”
“There is so much to enjoy, don’t be sad.”
“You should smile more, it makes you look good.”
If only people were a bit empathetic.
This week’s article is a little too close to the heart. It’s for all those who have gone through turbulent times. I am in a patch like that, and I have been there before. If you’re in the same boat, then I’d like to share a few mindsets that helped me go through the pain and work my way out of it.
I guess you can see this is a touchy-feely topic for everyone. But this has been a tough week, so bear with me.
#1: Pain is just the beginning.
You have to realize that pain isn’t some switch that shuts down with a click. It can come over you and wreak havoc for a long time. You can’t fight it; you can’t run from it. You have to endure it. Remember those motivational posts with quotes like “Suffer today, win tomorrow”? As it turns out, they aren’t completely true. Pain, just by itself means nothing.
It's what comes after the pain that truly matters.
Just surviving through the rough period isn’t enough. We aren’t here to survive; we need to thrive. Your pain has the power to shake your soul.
Let it.
It will remind you of all the bad things that happened in your life. But that will lead you to become a more grateful person. You will stop taking people for granted. ?
#2: Talking about it doesn’t make you weak.
If you’ve been fed this crap, then I feel you. I too believed this once. I preferred keeping my pain and trauma within me for a very long time.
“I can handle that by myself”
This is the biggest lie we tell ourselves. The older I get, the more grateful I am for my friends, especially those who stood by me through thick and thin. Talk about your pain. It’s okay to be vulnerable. People who love you won’t judge you, and those who judge aren’t the ones you want in your life.
One of the main reasons why I made this newsletter was to connect with entrepreneurs and young professionals who have gone through the same issues that I have.
You don’t have to do that. Just find out the people you Vibe with, and let the universe guide you forward.
#3: Your life will be okay after the pain-period
You might be going through a lot of crap right now. You might think that:
- Everything is meaningless
- Nothing is going to improve
- Life will always be this sad
- You can never be better.
- It’s all my fault
- I deserve this pain
I want to tell you that you are wrong. Once you endure this pain and learn, life will open many new opportunities.
Pain is a crucial step in your journey to be the best version of yourself. You will gain a new perspective on life.
As I said, this article was going to be a bit different than the others. I won’t link it to anything. If you genuinely felt that I have changed your perspective, then feel free to subscribe.
And hey, I will understand if you don’t want to. That is okay.
See you next week.
Stay strong