“The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls.” – Edgar Allan Poe
27 September
From “The Human Condition: A User’s Manual,” by Arnold Kunst
If you and I have but eyes to see we will realize all of the following:
· We, all of us, are plagued by personal demons at 3 AM [of course, yours and mine are distinctive, but then so are our retina scans];
· Those personal demons need confronting, head-on.
· The process of confrontation includes the need to invite them in for a cup of coffee. After all, they’re not nearly as terrifying as you give them credit for. [No thing we fear ever is.]
· Since demons are used to activating fear in their victims, they’ll be blindsided by the respect implied in that offer of a cup of coffee. Blindsided, and dissolved [think of the Wicked Witch of the West encountering a simple bucket of water].