Scared Influencer Marketing is a Money Drain, Costing You Thousands? Here’s a Guide to Help You Get Started

Scared Influencer Marketing is a Money Drain, Costing You Thousands? Here’s a Guide to Help You Get Started

Getting started with influencer marketing in 2022 means clearing a few misconceptions brands have about the process. I’ll help you clear those with this article, so get ready. But first, you should know whether your brand is suited for influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is best suited for DTC brands with high-quality products. If you have a great product that a wide range of people could use, it’s time to clear your misconceptions and start working with influencers…

The biggest misconception about influencer marketing: “It’s expensive without a guaranteed ROI” That’s only true when brands pay a ton per post and dictate the copy used. Now, things are a bit different…

Paying per post IS expensive That’s why the brands finding success with influencers have moved towards affiliate models. Find influencers who are excited about the product (without being forced) and onboard them as affiliates … But how do you find them?

If you’ve been following me for a while, you should already know my answer here: PRODUCT SEEDING Offer to send your product out for free to your favorite influencers - with NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Some of them will post about it unprovoked Now here’s what to do next…

When any of the recipients of your product post about it, reach out to them and thank them. Ask permission to turn their content into paid media for your brand. Tell them you want to work with them more in the future, and onboard them as an affiliate for future mentions.

Want to steal our ENTIRE game plan? Check out this thread where I break it down step-by-step:

Once you have a cycle of product seeding and affiliate onboarding, your brand will be swimming in user-generated content (and sales!!) I hope this article helped make it clear that ignoring influencer marketing is leaving money on the table

Want to learn more about our influencer marketing & paid media strategies? Follow me @codywittick for more like this. I want to help EVERY brand capture the power of influencer marketing.?

A Quick Recap: High-quality DTC products are perfect for influencer marketing. It doesn’t have to be wildly expensive. Use product seeding to source UGC and onboard affiliates.

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