Scapulohumeral rhythm in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
Matteo Mantovani
R&D director, expert in product development and in innovative start up
How important is knowing the scapulothoracic rhythm (STr) associated with a reverse shoulder arthroplasty? How can we increase the consistency of the clinical results? Can we standardize and optimize the union surgery plus rehab to get better repeatability and consistency? A deep understanding of the STr is now a mandatory requirement, and identifying the right ratio between scapulothoracic and glenohumeral means optimizing the function. Several parameters concur to define the ratio mentioned above, and the use of Showmotion is now the only way to easily access this information to account for undesired compensations and misfunctions. Joint kinematics, once considered outside the field of interest of the clinical community, is now a new requirement if we are looking for a results-oriented or value-based medicine. Optimizing the joint function is no longer optional, and a more standardized approach is the way to go. It is a new era where new variables need to be accounted for, and technologies such as #Showmotion can make this real and available at a click. Together with #Neuralign #Shoulderpacemaker can improve the consistency of the results but address the joint functionality in a subject-specific approach no longer affected by the subjective evaluation.