ScanIT revolutionizes Logging of Orientated Core
UCP Africa (PTY) LTD/UniqCore
Unique Core Products, designed to increase productivity and efficiency.
What is Core Orientation?
Core orientation is the process of marking the orientation of drill core with regard to its original position after it has been removed from the ground.?The orientation line is generally a representation of the bottom of the hole and can be marked either at the top of the core or bottom of the core.?
What is Beta Angle in Orientated Core?
The Beta Angle is the angle that is specifically applicable to orientated core. It is measured in either one of the two ways, viz:
i)Using the orientation line as a reference, the angle is measured clockwise to the apex of the structure being measured, or
ii)The apex is the reference and the Beta angle is measured clockwise to the Orientation Line?
Current Manual System
Current manual systems entail the manual reading of the Beta angle using tools such as the Kenometer and Goniometer . These tools require the physical removal of each piece of core to be measured which is then inserted into the tool to manually extract a reading.?
ScanIT Methodology
ScanIT’s methodology is revolutionary and simple with the Beta Angle being immediately computed and displayed when the feature is digitally generated on the core. ScanIT’s Beta Angle methodology utilises the Orientation Line? as the reference. ScanIT also generates? automated? orientation lines per channel that can be adjusted to mirror the actual orientation line.??
The following are the benefits of utilising ScanIT for orientated core:?