The Scandium Era Has Begun
1. Scandium is not rare.
Scandium is often referred to as a Rear Earth Element (REE). To me this is confusing, because Scandium is not rare at all. Scandium-Oxide (Scandia) is found as a mineral all over the Earth’s crust, and Scandium is ranked 36th in the abundance of elements on Earth, just in front of Lead. The issue is that it is not found in very high concentrations anywhere and it occurs naturally as complex chemical compounds (i.e. Sc2Si2O2).
2. Scandium Element
?Scandium is Element 21 in the periodic system, it’s a light metal with a density of 2.99 g/cm-3 (a little heavier than aluminium) but with a higher melting point of 1541°C. It was discovered by Lars Frederik Nilson in 1879. He named it Scandia (Latin for Scandinavia).
Scandium is located in the periodic table next to Titanium (Ti), Zirconium (Zr) and Yttrium (Y) and it interacts with Aluminium in a similar way as these elements. Scandium is often used in combination with Zirconium.
3. Effects of Scandium in Aluminium
When I first read about Aluminium Scandium Alloys in 2013, I was blown away.
Scandium is the most fantastic alloying element for Aluminium.
Already very small additions, below 0.1% have a massive impact on the properties of Aluminium.?
It is almost too good to be true:
The following graph shows the effect of Scandium additions in the AlMg-system. Approximately 100 MPa strength increase with only 0.1 wt.%Sc added.?
Why is Scandium such a terrific alloying element??
Its hardening effect is due to very fine spherical Al3Sc(Zr) dispersoids, which have the seize of 10nm. These particles form during homogenisation after casting.
Scandium additions improve Aluminium properties in all alloy families. In heat treatable 2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx the homogenisation needs to be taken into account to avoid the formation of non desired intermetallics.
High concentrations of Silicon (> 0.5%) however neutralise the Scandium hardening effect, due to the formation of AlScSi phases.
Scandium has a natural dispersion and this is a major advantage in grain refining in combination with its relatively high melting point in the comparison to aluminium. The Scandium particles serve are nuclei during solidification. It suppresses recrystalisation and stops grain growth during forming operations.
Another example of the unique properties of Scandium in Aluminium is shown in the next picture. Here conductivity in %IACS is plotted versus Yield Strength of Aluminium Alloys. Endless attempts have been made to strengthen Aluminium without a loss in conductivity. There is a “hard line” which could not be crossed.
With Scandium, we are crossing that line and high strength, conductive, heat resistant AlSc alloys are in development.
Aluminium Scandium research has picked-up since 2000, but the relatively high price and limited supply has been a hurdle for commercial applications thus far.
If only Scandium was more readily available and at a lower price the aluminium applications would skyrocket.?
Guess what, ...that is exactly what is happening.
We will get to that in a minute.
4. Scandium Oxide Production
Most Scandium Oxide (Scandia) is produced as a by-product from Titanium Oxide pigment production. It is extracted from the acid waste.?
The second route is to extract Scandia from Bauxite Residue. RUSAL implemented this process in 2013.?It is more energy efficient with a CO2 footprint ca. 5.06 t CO2/kg Scandia produced. Scandia concentrations in Russian Bauxite are among the highest in the world;?between 140 - 220 ppm compared to Greece (70ppm) or Australia (20ppm).?
Subsequently Scandia is further processed together with Aluminium into a Aluminium-Scandium Master Alloy: AlSc2.
The absolute game changer is when Scandia will be added directly into the Aluminium Electrolysis Process.
AlSc alloy will be produced continuously in dedicated pots at RUSAL’s smelters. This will trigger AlSc to become available for mass applications. The process has successfully been demonstrated in pilot scale at RUSAL and is about to be upscaled.
5. Scandium Markets
Before going into Aluminium Scandium price forecasts, let us first look into the different Scandium applications.
Interestingly enough, the largest Scandium market is not in Aluminium but in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). These SOFC are often used as back-up power supplies to data centres around the world. Here Scandia with Zirconia (ScZr) is the electrolyte. Scandia enables a lower operating temperature resulting in longer-lived equipment and less costly materials of construction. Bloom Energy in the US developed the market in 2010 is the leading SOFC manufacturer and one of the largest scandium users. Recent research from John Grandfield and CM showed that 80% of global Scandium consumption, which is only 25tpy, is in SOFC. The market is growing at 15% CAGR.
The next big growth market is expected to be the Solid Oxide Electrolyte Cells (SOEC), which are used to produce so called “Green hydrogen”. In SOECs the Scandia is used as a catalyst to improve the performance of the cell and reduction of the operating temperature.
The Scandia production in China is expected to grow 5x in the next five years targeting these applications. Scandia purity requirements for SOFC and SOEC are higher than for alloying aluminium, therefore this production increase will most likely also feed the AlSc2 master alloy market.?
Scandium alloying of aluminium has been very limited until now. Russia has the longest history of using AlSc in aerospace applications dating back to the 1970’s. In the Western world some was used in sports equipment; in baseball bats and high-end race bicycles, but all of this has stopped, except for a limited application in Lacrosse sticks.
6. Global Scandium activities and Scandium prices at a historic low
Historically Scandium supply was limited to a few sources in China and Russia but this is no longer the case. The overview from the European SCALE project shows the current Scandium activities across the globe.
While Aluminium prices are currently at all time high, Scandium prices are at a historical low.?
The Scandia production increase and the step change in AlSc-smelting is expected to drive the price further down in the years to come. AlSc2 master alloy prices have dropped from $200/kg in 1990 to around $40/kg in 2020. Another 50% reduction is predicted in coming five years. The additional alloying costs of 0.03% Scandium is approximately $600 per ton at 2020 price levels, which is lower than most current product premiums.
Future Aluminium Scandium applications can be developed with these price predictions in mind. Furthermore long term supply agreements can be made with producers.
7. AlSc product development total cost analysis
When developing Aluminium Scandium applications one should not only look at material costs. Material cost are between 10% - 50% of total product costs depending on the application. In all cases enhanced material properties make weight reductions possible, which reduce the amount of material used. In many cases, the lack of recrystallisation eliminates intermediate annealing steps, which reduces the processing costs. Additional costs savings due to higher strength or weight reduction can be taken in to account in the total costs analysis as well.
8. Commercial Alloys in the market
At RUSAL we first focussed on the development of low alloying 5xxx series, to maximise the strengthening effect at low Scandium additions. Two alloys are already commercially available. AA 5181 (Sc 0.03%) and AA 5081 (Sc 0.1%). 5181 is predominantly used in marine applications, LPG tanks and railway wagons and 5081 is used in aerospace.?
Scandium is also used in RS 553 (AlMgSc) aluminium powder for additive manufacturing.
All our Scandium Alloys are marketed under the brand name ScAlution.
Especially welded structures benefit tremendously from a 40% higher weld strength of the Scandium alloys.
In 2015 Aleris developed the Aluminium Scandium alloy 5028 for the aerospace market as a lower cost alternative to the Aluminium Lithium alloy 2024. 5028 is a lower cost alternative both because of alloying costs as well as production costs (AlSc does not require casting under cover gas). However the aerospace industry has invested heavily in the launch of Aluminium Lithium Alloys in the last decades and making the switch to a new alloying AlSc-family is not that easy.
9. Recycling
What about recycling??How do we get the Scandium back from process scrap as well as end-of-life scrap?
The low Scandium concentration is detected by the Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy system (LIBS) and in case of our marine example the 5181 (AlMgSc) flakes can be separated from other alloys.
10. Future applications and development work
The sky is the limit, I would say. There is a lot of white space and plenty of opportunities to enhance the properties of aluminium in many areas. Just to name a few:
11. TMS Webinar
In July of this year a Scandium Webinar was organised by TMS and John Grandfield. This webinar was attended by close to 200 participants and was very well received.?The webinar was recorded and is still accessible via this link:
A poll among the participants showed:
Aluminium Scandium consumption growth of 10x in the next 5 years, with most applications in 5xxx and 7xxx series alloys.
In case you are interested to learn more about Aluminium Scandium or want to co-develop alloys and or applications with us, feel free to get in touch.
Stay safe,
Dr. Martijn Vos
Director New Product Commercialisation at RUSAL
Methodenplanung Werkzeugbau bei Allgaier Automotive
3 个月Hello Martijn. can it be used for car bodywork? in deep draw process? class a outer bodywork? best regards Lothar
Supervisor Metallurgy Services .
3 个月Excellent information
Research Assistant at CIMTAL | Sustainable Development, Materials Characterization, Heat Treatment, Aluminum
3 个月"Zero to 100 about Sc" I would say! Thanks a lot for this complementary information!
Sales Director Italy
3 个月it's an in-depth and interesting analysis
5 个月What is the approximate scandium loss during melting and casting of aluminum alloys?