Just like the Care Homes Scandal the Asbestos Deaths hve been covered up for 50 years. The politicians involved in both these cover ups should be sack and Jailed for for CORRUPTION IN PUBLIC OFFICE. Thanks to a Whistle-blower in government the facts - after 50 years have been exposed. So-called Politicians were robbing the poor and using The Law to do so. These politicians are the same people who denied trade union help to the Belfast Dockers. Because the Union was based in Dublin - the employers who owned the Asbestos ordered the Belfast Union Officials to participate in a Union and Employers Court. The official name of this Court was the NORTHERN IRELAND FEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND IRISH TRANSPORT & GENERAL WORKERS UNION JOINT DISIPLANARY COMMITTEE.

These self serving Union and Employers [under orders from Corrupt Politicians] ordered Belfast Dockers to discharge the Asbestos without protection - to save the employers money. These corrupt Politicians are the reason I could not get a lawyer in Ireland to take this case? No-one, Journalist or otherwise is allowed to report on this scandal and my stage-play - The Judas Goat that high-lighted the scandal is Censored. See the link to my 'just published' Memoir below which included the details of this Trade Union and Employer Corruption.

My Memoir along with another book, 'The Judas Goats' contains the documentary proof of all I maintain. These can be obtained from BARNES AND NOBLE and AMAZON.

Now I know why are the Free Press is muzzled? Because the Corrupt Politicians ordered it? The background to this corruption is this. After I was sacked by the Union and Employers Court because I refused to discharge Asbestos without protection [see the documentation] I wrote my first play 'Justice'. This toured NI and was in the Belfast and Dublin Theatre Festivals plus a week at the Tron in Glasgow. This was in 1992.

However, when I wrote 'The Judas Goat', about the Belfast Docks Corruption, the diabolical censorship from the Unions, the employers and all and sundry in the Irish establishment set in. Now I know why - and why this play is censored. The Politicians with the help of the Arts and the legal profession are doing their utmost to keep this scandal from public knowledge.

This play along with my Belfast Memoir categorises the mindset, thinking and censorship of the august establishment bodies in Ireland, obviously engendered by the corrupt politicians. They all deny this happened and censor the Truth. My Memoir and play are true stories and the play is an obvious ON THE WATERFRONT.

The documentary proof of the Union and Employers Court which termed itself 'The Joint Disciplinary Committee' - is in my play - my Memoir - and the accompanying book 'THE JUDAS GOATS. Instant Proof can be accessed on the following website. Anyone reading this will be amazed at the magnitude of this corruption. All the details of my sacking and the behaviour of the Union and employers Coalition can be found on linkedin. This is the only outlet I could get for the Truth.

You may have to type in the address as sometimes the link doesn't work - then open UTV's programme 'Death Trap on the Docks' and see dying Dockers and widows relate their unbelievable stories. This was the first time in Trade Union history, anywhere in the world, that a trade union persecuted, sacked and ordered to their death its own members - their families and the surrounding Belfast residents. This happened was because they ordered the Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection to save the employers money - and the deadly dust was blown all over Belfast. This is an open secret in Ireland because I have exposed it on linkedin many many times.

Besides the betrayal of Larkin and Connolly - the deaths of Belfast residents who don't even know they've contracted Asbestosis - are the reason for the cover up.

It was also the first time anywhere in the world that an employer was a trade union member. After forming the diabolical 'Union and Employers Court' the chairman, Jim Austin, left the union and joined the employers as Labour Controller and brought his corruption to an even more disgusting level.

Unbelievably the now ex union chairman was allowed to remain a Union Member - by both head office in Dublin and The Irish Congress of Trade Unions - so much so that over ten years ago he received his 50 year - long service badge from Jack O'Connor - the then Union president.

The censoring of 'The Judas Goat' led to all my plays being censored - so as not to give me any clout and able to demand - that the 'The Judas Goat' be staged - and for the "Free Press" who [self-censor] to report on this unbelievable scandal. Because RTE are too afraid to expose this corruption- and offend the corrupt politicians the so-called 'Free Press' follow suit. The Belfast Docks corruption happened when the champion of the underdogs - i.e - the trade union that fought to free Ireland as 'The Citizens Army' in 1916 - became corrupted in Belfast. Albeit 60 years later.

The fact that the Union joined forces with the employers to persecute its own members is beyond doubt. Besides my printed sources - documentary evidence is on linkedin, facebook and twitter. It was the Judas Goat of a Union chairman, who ordered the Dockers to discharge. Now I know the Union in Dublin was following orders from the corrupt politicians in Dublin. The banner heading of the Union and Employers Court was on their Court Summons Letters and all documentation. I repeat it here in case the people in SIPTU find it hard to believe.


Any wonder SIPTU officials and their Corrupt Friends in Government to censor my play . See also - in the books, the play and the web a letter to Jack O'Connor from his own Belfast solicitor, one John O'Neill of Thompson McClures, Belfast, stating that his Union 'did' sack its own members at Belfast Docks. He also tries to exonerate the Union, by totally ignoring the fact - that a Trade Union cannot Lawfully sack and persecute its own members.

Letters from ICTU prove without doubt that they knew what was going on - but chose to ignore it. Why? They must've been paid a fortune by the corrupt politicians to behave as they did. However in Belfast they had a willing allay. He was solicitor Norman Shannon? He sat on my case against the Union and Employers for seven years until it became Statute Barred - and lied to me that the other side wouldn't enter a defence. I now know that this in nonsense and if it happens then the case is won - and compensation is paid to the wronged person.

The Official cover up of corruption beggars' belief. Neither O'Connor nor Norman Shannon, will sue me for calling them Corrupt and putting their corruption on the web.

The documentary evidence of the Court - is what SIPTU, which ITGWU morphed into, [it is still the same Union] the Irish Government and the Employers are covering up. Besides my Memoir - the documentary proof of all I maintain is in the accompanying book 'The Judas Goats'. This contains proof in letters from the Union and ICTU showing that they allowed this corruption to take place - and were instrumental in promoting it.

This betrayal of Irish Trade Unionism , plus the beliefs of Connolly and Larkin will disgust any fair-minded person. This reinforces the fact that Right Wing politicians were behind the cover up. A massive news blackout - was - and still is in vogue on this corruption - with many in the Irish government plus the supposed Human Rights in Ireland refusing to expose this abject betrayal of Human Rights. Hopefully the Corrupt Politicians who ordered the Belfast Dockers and an unknown number of Belfast people who lived in the areas surrounding the Docks to their terrible and preventable deaths - will finally be exposed.

Hopefully some free thinking TD or newspaper will get some Justice for the dead and dying Asbestos Stricken People of Belfast and Dublin. One simple thing that could be done, is - that every person who contracts Lung Cancer - is tested for Asbestos Fibres.


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