- A scandef file is a definition file that has a set of scan-specific constructs which describes scan chain information.
- A stub chain definition describes a portion of a scan chain that can be reordered within itself. It consists of a START and STOP points, and one or more scan elements between them. These START& STOP points specify the stub chain boundaries. They can be a variety of scan chain constructs such as scan I/O ports, lockup latches, codec logic gates.
- There is no neccessary to match the number of stub chains defined in the SCAN DEF file with the number of scan chains in the design.
- An ordered section describes a group of scan cells that cannot be reordered within that group but can be reordered as a group within the scan cells.
- A floating section is a list of unordered cells that can be reordered freely by the layout tool.
- Common causes of ORDERED sections are shift registers.
- A PARTITION name indicates that the stub chain elements can be repartitioned with those of another stub chain within the same partition name.
- A SCANDEF file does not necessarily contain all scan cells in the design. It contains information only about the scan cells in the design that can be reordered or repartitioned.
- Scan cells or scan segments that cannot be optimized are omitted from the file.
- write_scan_def -output<filename.scandef>
- read_def filename.scandef (command used in layout tools to read in place and route).