Ohh, you stupid man!
They are frequent: Calls from financial whizzes introducing some interesting IPO. Just for me. They can more often than not be dismissed right away. I have 100 or so blocked numbers on my phone. Also on the rise are service calls from the ‘IT department’. Given that many companies have outsourced their IT-stuff to faraway places, heavy accents or out-of-town telephone numbers aren’t necessarily dead giveaways. But the IT-scammers are much easier to have fun with than the financial scammers.
Telephone rings. From France. Oh-la-la. Calls from the land of red wine and excellent cheeses are always welcome.
Me (cheery): Oui, c’est Adam ESTRUP (when in Rome and all that…).
Voice (female, certainly not continental French, but maybe from some overseas département): Hello, Sir, my name is Melissa. I’m calling from the computer services department. How are you today?
A (inviting): Oh, swell, thank you for calling!
M (kind): You’re welcome. We have received numerous faults and warning signs from your PC.
I run a Mac, so that’s most likely not the case…
A (inquisitive): Ahh, I see, that’s maybe why it's been so slow. Can you please help me?
M (friendly): Yes, Sir, I can. Please type in www.supposed.me – let me spell it for you – and I can help you.
A (typing away): Mmm, yes, now it’s in there. But my browser can’t open the page. Maybe you can help me with that? I have a very slow internet connection. Could you please ping my IP-number? You must have it from the messages you received?
M (insistent): Please open the page, Sir.
A (kind-of-desperate): But I can’t. Really. Could you please ping me?
M (really insistent): Please open the page, Sir.
A (approaching wit’s end): I can’t. I really need you to ping me and tell me how long time it takes. I have a very slow connection. Maybe you can help me with that?
M (loud): Please open the page, Sir.
A (almost in tears): But I can’t. The connection is slow. Could you please ping me?
M (ALL CAPS): Please open the page, Sir!
A (double-o-desperate): I really need you to ping me. I can’t open the page. I really want to!
M (ALL CAPS and then some): Ohh, you stupid, stupid man. I’m not your internet provider.
Melissa from the département inconnu disconnects.
One down, more probably to come…J
The above is part of my recently published book 'Absurditeter, hyklerier og tvende tunger'. The book's in Danish, though, so there... Available here: https://www.bod.dk/bogshop/absurditeter-hyklerier-og-tvende-tunger-adam-estrup-9788743004059