Scammers have indeed become the modern-day boogeymen, scaring people and minimizing the real impact and horror of the crimes they commit.

Scammers are often portrayed as shadowy figures, lurking in the dark corners of the internet, waiting to prey on unsuspecting victims. This portrayal can make it difficult for victims to come forward and report their experiences, as they may feel ashamed or embarrassed for being fooled. It can also lead to a sense of complacency among the general public, as people may believe that they are immune to scams because they are "too smart" to be fooled.

In reality, scammers are often highly skilled and sophisticated criminals. They use a variety of techniques to manipulate and exploit their victims, and they can target anyone, regardless of their age, education, or social status.

The impact of scams can be devastating. Victims can lose their life savings, their homes, and even their livelihoods. They may also experience significant emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex grief.

Despite the serious impact of scams, they are often minimized and trivialized, especially by amateur scam-sleuths. This is partly due to the portrayal of scammers as boogeymen, but it is also due to a lack of understanding of the nature of these crimes.

Scams are not just about money. They are about stealing people's sense of security, their peace of mind, and their dignity. They are about exploiting people's trust and vulnerabilities. These crimes are a violation, an act of violence!

It is important to remember that scammers are not boogeymen. They are real people who commit real crimes and do horrible damage to real people. And the impact of their crimes is very real.

Here are some things that can be done to address the problem of scams:

? Raise awareness of scams and their impact. People need to understand that scams are a serious problem and that anyone can be a victim. Share our posts and refer people to our websites: and

? Educate people about how to spot and avoid scams. There are resources available from SCARS that can help people learn about the different types of scams and how to protect themselves.

? Support victims of scams. It is important to provide support to victims of scams, both emotional and financial. Help them find professional help, such as SCARS Support Groups and counseling or therapy - most victims will need it to recover.

? Report every scam so that law enforcement can investigate and prosecute scammers. Law enforcement needs every report because often the pieces from several reports can come together to allow investigations and prosecutions of scammers to bring them to justice and deter others from committing these crimes.

By taking these steps, we all can help to reduce the impact of scams and protect people from these criminals.

Do not minimize these crimes, they are as serious as they get! Scammers KILL!


? 2023 SCARS

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Tim McGuinness, Ph.D., DFin, MCPO, MAnth的更多文章

