Scaling the use of can be done.
Craig Davidenko 克雷格
President of Business Development at VTOL AEROSPACE? - UAV SYSTEMS Principal Urban Air Mobilities?
Fact: Drones/UAV/UAS are being used in business everyday to save time, money and lives. The inherent value of what these devices bring is finally being be realized and more importantly being accepted as high value asset.
A fork lift is also a high valued asset, but it does one thing. It lifts weight that we can't lift as human beings and takes it from point A - B. That's it!
On the other hand drones can do many things; really efficiently....specifically in areas that are inaccessible because of danger or risk to human life.
A mission that once took days to complete can now be preformed by a drone in the matter of minutes......but and this is a big BUT, only if the software being used is managed correctly. A drone can gather TONS of data and data takes up a lot of space so the importance of defining pertinent information is crucial.
The biggest step for drones in business is the ability to scale it's use. Make it do more than you first intended; because believe me, it can and it will.
Buying the most expensive drone won't do anything if you are incapable of scaling it's use. So with this tidbit of info I leave you with A Lambo VS. Racing Drone