The Scaling Myth by John Grinnell
The economy was cranking and the opportunity for growth had never been better. The executive team was more excited than they had been in years, and they wanted to “strike while the iron was hot.” Scaling infrastructure was the challenge before them. They had loyal technically talented employees who had lifted the company to its current size of 7M per year. The good news was that their equipment was already overbuilt due to a technical propensity of the founder, yet their administrative system needed upgrading. They moved quickly bringing in a more robust administrative software product that could help them scale as well as a couple of IT professionals to run it. Continue reading...
Well stated John! Love the "opportunities" for growth and leadership! They keep us growing and resilient. Proud of my partners ability to lead and expand the softer sides to create even more success!
Solid advice John.?? Many technical managers and executives are handicapped, “they never mastered the art of controlling quality and productivity through the effort of others.”? Past success can also lead to overconfidence.?