Scale matters: how can we make promising tech companies stay and grow in Europe?
It's been a short week but that has not affected our continuous efforts to build a stronger, more competitive, more prosperous digital Europe. That is precisely the focus of our main highlight this week: the launch of our #ScaleMatters video series. Check it out below and let us know what you think about it!
Our #WeeklyDEbrief ??
Spotlight ??
? 1st episode: is regulation promoting innovation in Europe? The 30th anniversary of the Single Market is an excellent opportunity to ask ourselves questions like these...and to remove the barriers undermining competitiveness and stronger economic integration.?
Here's an enlightening conversation between Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl and MEP Eva Maydell (Paunova) on how to do it:
? What's in store for Spain's EU Presidency? It's no secret that the Spaniards are set to play a major role in the digital front during their Presidency of the Council of the EU.
? Digital Resilience Executive Council: always great to have this group of cyber leaders gathering together (see it here). This time, discussions delved into the latest EU initiatives to secure an EU-united response to cyber attacks, and so we had Lorena Boix Alonso joining to talk us through THIS:
Do not miss ??
? Our Digital Deep Dives are around the corner! Soon (17 May) it'll be time for our Digital Deep Dive on EU-US relations and we have good news about it: you can still sign up to attend! Go here.
Free online event: Unlocking the potential of digital skills for people and companies in the EU. Register here.
? Also fast approaching: Summer Summit 23! As you may know, it's happening on 1 June and it'll be a fun afternoon of discussions on Artificial Intelligence, data sharing, and cybersecurity. See who has been announced this week as a speaker...and click on the image below to register!
? European Sustainable Energy Week: another opportunity for us to once again argue that digital technologies have a huge potential to solve the current energy crisis and prevent future ones. All about it: European Sustainable Energy Week 2023 - DIGITALEUROPE
? And talking about events: our own Jo?o Tato Marinho was in Oslo to talk about the intersection between sustainability and digitalisation.
Projects' corner ??
? Time to bring your AI skills to the next level: watch this video from ARISA - AI Skills to find out to what extent Europe is lacking behind in artificial intelligence skills and what this project is doing about it.
? A reminder: if you want to know what ALL of our projects are doing for a better, stronger digital transition, make sure you subscribe to the Projects Newsletter!
???That's it for today! We'll come back next Friday with more on the digital arena.
???Also: make sure to?follow us on Twitter?so you never miss the latest scoop on anything digital.?