On a scale of 1 – 10 how much fear are you currently feeling?
What impact is this having on your business and life?
These are questions that need answers.
Businesses across the globe are dealing with massive loses. And in SA, we’re having to cope with our own ‘shit fight’. It’s a headless chicken race out there. Businesses are closing. And those that aren’t, are trying to stabilize their business to a point that there is a possibility of recovery, but the energy is so full of uncertainty. And we know that with that comes fear.
We’re dealing with some real tough decisions. And during these moments, fear isn’t necessarily the emotion we should...uhm, fear. There’re greater, stronger emotions than fear. Passion. Love. Even purpose and desire to reach a goal that we’ve set out to achieve can triumph fear. We need a little bit of fear in our lives. It keeps us alert – there’s nothing wrong with feeling fearful.
The only way to create opportunities and possibilities with a head full of excitement is if we’re able to manage our fears – which comes from having the right tools. Fear and excitement actually ALMOST feel the same. They’re both reactions we feel in our gut. They have the power to take over completely. What we need to focus on is the meaning we give these emotions.
When people are asked why they don’t just start that business they’ve been speaking about forever, or why they don’t grow their business like they said they were going to; the most common response seems to be ‘because I’m not ready.’ The harsh truth is that they’re just scared.
Fear is paralyzing, but it doesn’t have to be.
In this free module from the ‘Find Your Business Flow’ course, we look at these fears and learn the tools to help you manage your demons when they appear.
Let us know in the comments if you’ve found any of the tools useful. How did you apply them?