Scalable SME Lead Generation
A powerful lead generation system that is scalable for 1 or 2 leads per week up to 100 leads per week or more. I developed this system over the last couple of years specifically for small and medium businesses, from 'solo-preneurs' to a medium sized business with up to 10 sales people. The model is combination of a traditional relationship based sales model with inbound marketing and digital marketing techniques. It is utilizes some automated tools to reduce the work, while still making it a very personal experience for the prospects and sales people. Best of all the model is highly effective with internal hit rates of 30% (double the best numbers many models achieve) and what that means is that it is very cost effective, meaning you can outsource this for less than it is probably costing you to do lead generation now. If you are a typical small business 50% of your sales and marketing time is spent trying to create leads from referrals, networking meetings, and cold calls. What would it do to your revenue numbers if those sales people doubled their time pitching proposals and negotiating closes. I know the answer, it would double your sales! This model will double your sales and cost less than adding a half time equivalent to your sales team. Sounds like a great deal. It is.
Contact me at [email protected] to find out more and get a quote or book your initial lead generation session.