SBTC Effects Termination of TXDOT's Violation of the UCR Act (49 U.S. Code § 14504a)...
James Lamb
Executive Director, Small Business in Transportation Coalition (SBTC) @JimLambUSA
On November 10, 2022, the SBTC brought to the attention of the UCR Plan Board of Directors that the state of Texas was engaged in the unlawful practice of requiring written UCR confirmations as evidence of UCR compliance as a condition to renew IRP plates instead of just looking the carrier's compliance up on SAFER.
Yesterday, the SBTC learned that @TxDOT has determined we were correct in our assertion they were in violation of the UCR Act and they have voluntarily stopped this unlawful practice, which unnecessarily and unreasonably inconvenienced truckers and carriers. SBTC is fighting for YOU behind the scenes and winning!
Like what you see here?
We are the industry's top watchdog group.
The SBTC encourages ethical business practices and supports teamwork, cooperation,?transparency,?and partnerships among truckers,?carriers,?brokers, and shippers who?seek to?do?business with the utmost integrity.?SBTC is a Florida non-profit corporation operating through brands like TRUCKERS.COM and TRUCKER LIVES MATTER with IRS 501(c)(6) exempt status with offices in Washington.
Here are just a few of the actions the SBTC's legal and lobbying teams have taken in recent years to protect your rights and promote your interests:
*NEW in 2024: SBTC Targets Big Brokers' Practice of Requiring Carriers Show Evidence of Roadside Inspections in New Petition to Secretary Pete for Part 396 Rulemaking, citing "Unreasonable Restraint of Trade..."
*NEW in 2024: SBTC fights proposed 25% fee increase slated for 2025 which could be up to an additional $9,000 for some carriers.
*NEW in 2024: Petitioned FMCSA for rulemaking to stop big brokers from offsetting freight bills alleging loss or damage claims.
*Publicly Challenged DAT Freight & Analytics to Divulge Source of their Alleged 14% Average 2023 Broker Margins Stats.
*Successfully assisted SBTC Motor Carrier Member Pinck Cheetah Express in filing October 31, 2023 complaint with Secretary Buttigieg, which resulted in FMCSA seizing broker-shipper records being unlawfully withheld from the carrier since January 2023 by TQL in apparent violation of 49 CFR 371.3 & 49 USC 14906 & releasing them to the carrier on November 30, 2023.
*Successfully convinced FMCSA on March 16th, 2023 to strengthen broker rate transparency rulemaking schedule to commence in 2024.
*Successfully convinced FMCSA on March 17th 2023 to reject the Transportation Intermediaries Association's (TIA) petition to repeal the broker rate transparency regulations.
*Successfully convinced FMCSA to issue proper guidance on the definition of broker as it relates to dispatchers.
*Issued a cease-and-desist letter to Total Quality Logistics (TQL) demanding the broker stop evading regulation by waiving broker rate transparency regulations in contracts.
*Filed an Ethics Complaint with TIA against TQL in May 2023, which it appears TIA has swept under the carpet.
*Successfully Convinced Governor of Colorado to Reduce Outrageous 110 Year Sentence for Truck Driver Rogel Aguilera-Mederos Involved in Accident Fatality to 10 Years
*Filed Federal Lawsuit against USDOT for failure to process ELD & HOS exemption applications in a timely fashion.
*Filed Federal Lawsuit & Writ of Mandamus to compel USDOT to enforce the Hobbs Act, which outlaws interference with interstate commerce through violence and threats of violence.
*Filed Federal Lawsuit against District of Columbia over denial of permit to declare TRUCKER LIVES MATTER in front of USDOT HQ.
*Filed Antitrust Complaint with USDOJ which helped spark Federal Investigation into Big Broker Price-fixing & Price-gouging.
*Filed Petition for Rulemaking to Strengthen Broker Transparency.
*Defended against TIA's attempt to Repeal 49 CFR 371.3c rule.
*Proposed Legislation we named the TRUCK DRIVER PROTECTION ACT OF 2021 (named "Boeglin's Law") after over the road trucker Mike Boeglin who was murdered and burned in his truck in 2014.
*Called on Congress to Reform FMCSA and effect transparency & integrity in USDOT Rulemaking & Policy-setting.
*Challenged FMCSA to allow greater trucker participation and dialogue among stakeholders on MCSAC.
*Successfully advocated for Trucker Bogdan Vechirko, who was being unethically prosecuted for political reasons to appease Minneapolis mobs by filing complaints with US Attorney General & Minnesota Bar Association.
*Advocated for Reasonable Hours of Service Regulation Reform.
*Secured President's Declaration of National Emergency and Secretary's Suspension of HOS Regulations during COVID-19.
*Helped Effect the Re-opening of Truck Stops & Rest Areas so truckers would have access to food and rest rooms during COVID-19.
*Helped convince fast food chains to service truckers during COVID-19 crisis whose trucks could not fit in drive-through lanes.
*Effected advisory opinion from FMCSA confirming "dispatch services" are, in fact, illegal, unlicensed brokers.
*Convinced OOIDA to Join the SBTC Bandwagon Calling for Repeal of FLSA Motor Carrier Exemption to Change the Pay-per-mile, Regulate-by-the-clock Driver Compensation Model.
*Helped Effect Distribution of Free Masks to Truckers at Truck Stops around the USA after launching SAVE TRUCKERS petition!
*Pressed FBI for better cyber security at USDOT/FMCSA to protect your personally identifiable information to prevent identity theft.
*Filed HATCH Act complaint against FMCSA for endorsing a politician on Twitter.
*Helped Effect Reversal of Bank of America's Policy Preventing Small Businesses from Applying for SBA PPP Loans.
*Expressed SBTC Members' Outrage Over NYC Mayor DeBlasio's Anti-Idiling Fine Commission Program for "Environmental Vigilantes."
*Stood up to New York City officials that Continued to Crackdown on Trucks in the midst of National Emergency, Pointing to Dangerous, Business Unfriendly Environment Faced by Truckers Trying to Provide New York City Residents Emergency COVID-19 Supply Relief.
*Confronted FMCSA's Poor Treatment of Drivers with Disabilities Including Wounded Warriors Operating Under SPE Certificates.
*Called Out FMCSA over failure to provide truck parking at Washington DC "Truck Safety Summit."
*Launched Women Driver Support Group on Facebook.
*Created the Thanksgiving Turkey Sweepstakes for CDL Holders.
*Introduced the industry to the SBTC's "Do they know it's Christmas?" Annual Holiday "Drive"?for Needy Kids in the Trucking Industry.?
Launched the TRUCKER EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND to help drivers in dire unusual situations on the road.
Launched the trucker voter registration program.
Launched the missing child alert program.
To learn more about the SBTC and membership benefits-- including exclusive rental vehicle and motel discounts, visit our website at
Follow us: @theSBTC