Saying no to things that don’t add color to your big picture
Lorraine C. Ladish
Bilingual wellness content creator, spokesperson, digital media talent
The best way to keep trucking is to put blinders on and ignore everything that doesn’t add color to one′s big picture.
Anything that sounds like fun but doesn’t serve that purpose is a no. Even if it's enticing, it’s a no.
I confess it used to be too easy for me to say yes to anything and everything.
Yes to a jam-packed junket that would take me away from my family when my kids were little and away from paid work I could not do while on the junket!
Yes to attending a conference I was not speaking at, which would cost money and time better invested in creating content and strategizing on my website and socials.
Yes to a gig that sounded great on paper but that in my gut I knew would be like pulling teeth! Yes to receiving free swag that wasn't free because I was expected to promote it, and that takes time and energy.
Over the years, I’ve learned to rein in my FOMO and say no to the things that don't align with my purpose at that particular moment. The right doors open when I have a laser focus on the path I want to be on.
What are you saying YES and NO to and how could you hone that to ensure you’re on the right path for you?