Saying Thanks - Today and Everyday
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Saying Thanks - Today and Everyday

Thanking someone who made a difference in your life should not be a one off instance, nor should it wait for a dedicated day, like today.

Going by the words of John F. Kennedy, “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.

I guess, better be it today than never! :)

A machine works well, when all of its parts are gelled/oiled, are in sync, each know the part it plays, and most importantly the importance of its existence – the impact it (even the smallest of the nut) creates on the whole machine’s functioning as an effective unit.

Right from the people working in the HQ, to the strategic leaders present in the command center, to the leaders on the ground, along with the foot soldiers – each one helps the whole unit to survive, and win every battle.

Likewise, we have great mentors like Surya, Ram, Mustafa – who guide us at every twist and turn. Without all the hard work you put in, we wouldn’t be where we are. You lay the stepping stone for us.

Then there are strategic leaders like Anjali, Anish, Bhavani – who lead the front, and are there with us in command centers (daily calls/stand-ups). For us, you are more like front line leaders – who make the first contact with anything and everything, rather than being managers. Your support, suggestions, and the space you give the team to learn and grow – is just incredible!

Next, comes the Creative team, Arien, Abby – without your inputs – “The Creative Magic” you conjure, it’s like trying to hit the unknown target, blind-folded.

Lastly, the most important, the group of elite force – the Delivery Team (the Dream Team of Sweet 16 J ), without which we wouldn’t fire a single shot, and be able to stand ground. Each one of you is brilliant in your own ways. So, even if we don’t praise you a lot (which we should), know this – you are awesome!

Delivery Team

Adwait Krishna, Puneet Relan, Rishabh Raj, Disa Rastogi, Upendra Senegar, Abhishek Bhatt, Kanchan Mitharwal, Rohit Sharma, Parth Goyal, Prateek Godiyal, Neha Goyal, Littu George, Abhinandan Mehra, Raina Chawla, Saket Saurav, Mohit Chattlani

All I’m trying to say, if I have not said it hundred times before, is a big Thank You!

As Melody Beattie once said, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Sometimes, you don’t have to act/do anything. Just knowing someone is there for us - makes a lot of difference.

Happy Thanksgiving to each one of you!

Stay happy, stay safe, stay blessed!

#Thanksgiving #Appreciating #TeamWork


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