Saying the 'right' thing: Conversations around mental health with people you work with
Platfform Wellbeing
Workplace Wellbeing & Training. Counselling Services. For people and organisations across the UK.
We are super excited to be launching our new series of lunch and learns! Starting 6th June
Conversations that matter
We understand that not knowing what to say during certain areas of conversation is a common experience. This series aims to create a safe space to explore these topics, helping you move past the worry of saying the wrong thing - and start having confidence that the words we use will reflect the intent we have at heart.
Join Platfform Wellbeing’s Head of Training and Delivery, Dr Sian Edwards as she discusses having conversations at work.
During the first session we will:
Small groups with the opportunity to bring your questions
Each session is limited to 25 participants, providing an opportunity to ask Sian your questions directly.
Pay what you can donations
To ensure our sessions are accessible to all, we are offering a "pay what you can" model for attendance. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will help us continue to provide these valuable resources and support services.