Saying Goodbye to AltspaceVR
Niko's Solar System in AltspaceVR

Saying Goodbye to AltspaceVR

Saying goodbye to AltspaceVR is painful with layers of layers upon grief and memories.

Educators in VR was founded in AltspaceVR in 2018 in response to a random meeting with an educator teaching in a refuge camp in Columbia. He'd discovered an old Samsung Gear headset, put it on, and realized the power it had to take a student beyond the fenced walls of their refugee camp. He told me that he thought he was the only one, the only teacher, who could see this potential. I said, no, I was one of those teachers, and we both cried.

I met with other teachers in AltspaceVR and told them about this experience and we decided to host a social event to meet other teachers to discuss the challenges in this new technology. We anticipated 30 or less people. Over 180 showed up for our first Educators in VR meetup. The rest is literally not history as it continues to evolve and grow as we connect teachers with teachers, schools with schools, and businesses with all of us to learn about how to integrate XR immersive education into our learning experiences.

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First Educators in VR meetup in AltspaceVR November 29, 2018

I built one of the first museums in AltspaceVR dedicated to genealogy and family history research, my life long hobby. For several years, I loved diving into people's family tree to help them discover the wonders of their ancestors. The museum worlds changed along with the AltspaceVR platform and world building methods, and it's still not done. It's public, but it still isn't done all these years later. I'll have to recreate it somewhere else...again. I think I'm on version 4 or 8. I've lost count.

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Relle's Family History Museum 2018 version 1

Educators in VR hosts over 800 VR public and private events, workshops, classes, and conferences to more than 60,000 event attendees since 2018. We are experts in VR educational experiences, world building, training, and development. Our members and team have published papers, books, and completed masters and doctoral programs with us in AltspaceVR and other platforms. At the start of the pandemic, our EDVR VR Researchers Team came up with the idea of helping XR researchers driving out of their labs and away from subjects. We came up with the Help a VR Researcher Program and helped hundreds of researchers complete their research projects during lockdown.

Memories overwhelm. The closure has brought up so many, it's a distraction every day as March 10 draws closer.

Helping teachers put on a headset for the first time to find themselves on top of a mountain covered in snow. Teaching 80 year olds how to build their own imagination with AltspaceVR kits and templates. Working with a home school group to complete their first homework in AltspaceVR worlds. Leading a group of high school girls from Girls Steam Institute space walk around the International Space Station shouting at each other in wonder.

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High school age girls in the Girls Steam Institute walking around Andy's ISS (2021)

A favorite memory with my friend, Margie, was when AltspaceVR released the ability to make any object interactable. We threw around fire trucks, ambulances, fire balls, and horses. Then we decided to try a building. I brought in a giant courthouse. Margie picked it up and threw it as far as she could, laughing at how silly were we two old women. We forgot that the object respawned back at its original point. It landed on top of her avatar, just like the Wicked Witch of the West. We wet ourselves laughing so hard.

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Margie throws a courthouse in AltspaceVR (2020).

Only in VR!

While Educators in VR has hosted VR events on over 20 different social VR platforms, AltspaceVR has been our home base. We've long had a base on ENGAGE XR, so we are expanding our presence there. Don't worry. Nothing is changing more than a simple address.

While we are excited to be on ENGAGE XR, we want to take a moment to grieve for the loss of AltspaceVR. While we complained, AltspaceVR was a utopia for teachers and businesses. For free, we could build amazing worlds, host events, build communities, connect with people around the world. The event hosting and moderation tools were powerful, and other social VR and event platforms should take note before it closes March 10 to learn how it is done. Know that the community had a hand in improving those tools because AltspaceVR listened.

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Audience at Educators in VR Meetup January 24, 2023

The freedom to connect with such an diverse and informed audience was a powerful experience. For years, we taught AltspaceVR users to visit events to find commonality and connection. If you couldn't find an event that matched your passions, create one. People did. It was beautiful. They met to talk about books, writing, garage sale shopping, house flipping, real estate, gardening, cooking, dating, stock market, investing, home decorating, mental health, everything except knitting. That was the one topic I longed to participate in as an audience member. I'd joke and tell people that I was a terrible knitter (can't knit for sh*t) but I love it and want to learn more. I finally met someone eager to start such a group a month before the announcement of the closure.

I live in hope. Someone somewhere will start a knitting group in the metaverse and I will be there. (Ping me!)

In addition to events, world builders were born and evolved in AltspaceVR. Their loss is another layer of grief for so many of us. They found their creative spirits and unleashed them. They started out, like all of us, struggling to just level a floor to creating masterful works of art that filled us with wonder and awe. To help them find new homes for their masterpieces, we've put together an article on migrating AltspaceVR communities, events, and worlds in the metaverse.

People were born in AltspaceVR, too. I watched so many people with social anxieties and mental health challenges find connections and confidence. People with agoraphobia, panic attacks, PTSD, depression, anxiety, addictions - the list is endless. They found a home in AltspaceVR, and we watched them grow, not just up, but out and beyond expectations, even their own. They found their voice, they found their tribe, they found their creativity, and many found leadership skills they didn't know they had. Beautiful. Little else in the world provides these affordances. It made AltspaceVR so special because it embraced and supported the diversity of all of us, no matter where we were in the world or in our heads.

What we won't grieve for are the communities in AltspaceVR. Yes, we share their pain, their loss of place, but we know that the bonds we've made won't break. Many already have moved their communities to other platforms over the years because the citizens of the metaverse don't stay stagnant or immobile. They move around, visiting other worlds, other platforms, playing multiplayer games together, and staying in touch. We won't lose each other, which gives us such a great feeling of grace and blessings.

Educators in VR is much like AltspaceVR, featuring communities within communities, bonded by our believe - our passion - that XR immersive education is our future. We honestly believe that soon we will be free of the VR headsets and augmented reality phones and tablets. This is a bridge phase. The Star Trek holodeck is coming. We just want it here faster to help us explore the world around us from top to bottom, from macro to micro, from every perspective to help us expand our views and change hearts and minds. Join us.

While we are saying goodbye, we are also saying hello. Hello to the bigger and wider metaverse. Hello to new opportunities, new audiences, new connections, new ways of thinking, and welcoming all of it.

Come play with us on #engage_xr where we have thrived for years. Our 25+ EDVR teams will be exploring aviation, language learning, science, medical and healthcare, virtual hardware, virtual and remote schooling, educational apps, cultural heritage, XR business, theatre, XR research, and so much more.

Join us. We need your skills, your ideas, your perspective on immersive education.


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