Saying NO to find the RIGHT time-saving tech and why this method works!

We know you want to make the right decision on time-saving tech. Sometimes saying NO on the tech choices is the easiest method to finding the RIGHT solution.

So here are the steps:STEP #1: List the software you LOVE as those are keepers or at least types of tech you shouldn’t consider changing first

STEP #2: Then pick one of the three core types of software to focus on: Email/Calendar, CRM, Client Portal

STEP #3: Then  Print This Post and draw a big X over the software logos below that you have said NO too. Then write a short sentence on why you said no as you will forget and need that reminder.

Saying NO to find the right software is liberating – try it!

If you need the master list of software providers by type (CRM, Client Portal, etc), you can use our tech directory or our website page to help.

Want to accelerate the NO process and research – feel free to use our one-time Boost Call!


Jennifer Goldman, CFP?


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