Saying a “NO” better than “Lets see later” in project management.
Very often we see projects fail. The projects should not be only seen as a company handling some project of a client but also inside operation, developing new products, designing new features etc. When we start to see the totality of all these projects, we many a times find that these projects internal or external undergoing stress which many times lead to failure. The teams working on them, or client project being handled need a strong approach to set the expectations right. Also, many a times it is seen that the project deliverable are defined and the companies know it cannot be done. But still, they insist of keeping it hanging and wait till the time something comes up or finally everyone gives up on the same. This needs to be avoided.
This is a very negative approach that is seen in the project management. Instead of saying a “NO”, we say lets discuss and see and then it goes on.
For one, if the company does not know what it can deliver, then the company is at fault. Mostly all the companies know what is present in their product portfolio and what are their capabilities. They need to analyze what is being put in front of them and if they can do the same or not ? Once it is decided that they cannot do it, communicating the same is needed. An immediate communication to the clients is the most needed so that no one wastes their time and energy. The clear communication of saying a “NO” to the requirements helps both the vendor and client to understand that it’s a deadlock and both can take their own decisions. When both sides know what is not feasible, then the expectations and stress levels go down and all can focus on their core competency.
The other side too appreciates the honesty and keeps this experience in their mind of truthfulness and openness which actually helps to build good relations on a long term basis. No company will get angry if someone straight up tells that they cannot perform the task given to them due to reasons.
Take the other way and see what happens.
The vendor knows they do not have the capability to produce a good, provide a service. Yet instead of saying a no, they say lets sit and discuss. This is first major mistake they do and then time is consumed week on week on both sides to analyze the requirements and find a solution. As the capability is not there, the vendor starts to use all equations to do a fitment and not a solution. A fitment can never be as good as a solution. The fitment suffers from day one with many people proposing many changes and no one agreeing on one common point. This keeps on dragging on and the sides keep on getting frustrated at things not moving in the right direction of finding a solution. Instead, this negative effect keeps on increasing and wasting time and resources on both sides. As there is no clear answer, the lingering doubt on if the required solution will be provided goes inside the head. Also, if after multiple iterations and discussions the final solution does not come out, the trust goes down. This adds to the growing worries that if the vendor knew they cannot do it, why did they waste the time.
The trust breaks and this might cause tensions in the long run. The clients will avoid giving new work as they know that the company says yes first and then wastes time discussing the same for day finally to say a no. The long term relationship also is hampered.
So, It is always advisable that saying clean “NO” in a humble way is far better than wasting time and trying to do fitment which is bond to fail later.
The long term considerations should be always taken in view before engaging in a potential self-inflicted discussion that wastes all the stakeholders times.
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