Say YES to 2017!
John Kepley
Founder | Accelerate-Learning Champion | Lead Growth Strategist | 3x INC 500/5000 Alumnus
YES!!!!! It’s 2017. The New Year brings with it a sense of newness, a fresh beginning. Whatever your feelings were for 2016, it’s gone. Giving it energy won’t help. As my friend Dandapani says, “Where awareness goes, energy flows.” He recently published a wonderful blog on the concept of finite energy and the importance of investing it wisely.
2016 was a year of transformational growth for me. It made me rethink balance, energy, and relationships…and today I am the best version I have ever been, but the process wasn’t easy. When you think of transformation what pops in your mind? defines it as a change in form, appearance, nature, or character. The best analogy that I have heard refers to the transformation that a seed must go through to become what it is intended to become. A seed if left on top of the soil will wither and die. But, if buried into the soil, in the dark, alone, as if dead, it will transform out of its shell into something different, better, bigger, stronger. Think Acorn to Oak Tree.
Everyone thinks of a balance sheet as something a business uses to display assets and liabilities, but have you ever thought of creating a balance sheet for your life? Below are 3 main areas to focus on when thinking about life balance.
1. Mind/Mental
“Master your mind and create the life you desire.” There is a thought that every single second of your life lives in your subconscious. It’s why that certain smell takes you to a place and time in your childhood, or that one song reminds you of a certain someone or event from your distant past. Negative memories can tint your perspective on the present, purging those negative thoughts so your mind can clearly focus on the present is a good first step on the road to mental mastery.
2. Body/Physical
If you search exercise and mental health in Google, you will return 85 million results. The #1 New Year’s Resolution most years is Losing Weight. Physical results can be slow which is why 8 out of 10 people don’t make it to March. Don’t concentrate on the outcome, rather concentrate on the feeling of accomplishment that comes when you finish each and every workout. Every time you exercise, if nothing else, your willpower muscle gets stronger.
3. Soul/Emotional
Emotional control is, in my opinion, the foundation to every aspect of your life. Meditation is a tool that can help you begin the journey. There are 23 types of meditation techniques. Find the one that best fits you and then make it a practice, or ritual. Just like the ritual of brushing your teeth before going to bed because it’s good for dental hygiene, daily meditation is good for emotional strength and balance.
“Even a common ordinary brick wants to be something more than it is.” – Louis Kahn
Like Jeffrey Gitomer says “All things being equal, people do business with people they like. All things being unequal, people do business with people they like.” That only happens over time.
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