Say "Thank you" ... your mother will be pleased
Wayne Slager
For when it’s important to find someone who really knows what they’re doing
Is common courtesy now all too uncommon? Sadly, I expect so.
For my brother and I, our mother had 3 basic rules of courtesy ...
- When someone speaks to you, look them in the eyes
- When you receive a letter (yes, waaay before email) or a message, always reply
- Say Please and Thank you
To me they are universal and hold equally true today but I seem to be in the increasing minority. In particular, replying to emails and phone messages, even from people known to us (I'm not talking unsolicited contact), is now completely optional and something only done at the recipient's whim and convenience.
Am I too old school and expecting too much, or have we become selfish and isolationist? Are we too busy stooping and worshipping at the false god of Busyness to raise our eyes to the fact that, as humans, we are inherently gregarious; we are co-dependent; we thrive best when we collaborate and communicate effectively and, yes, even deeply.
In that regard, is this thing called Social Media the most unsocial medium? But I digress.
In most cases our response only takes a few moments to effect. However, courtesy is not supposed to be convenient! They are a deliberate act not just a thought. They demand of us a cost, a conscious effort, a sacrifice on our part to acknowledge that others are also of value and worth. They are a healthy and necessary reminder to us not to be self-absorbed.
Courtesy is an outward expression of our willingness to give, share and show respect. When done with such an attitude they are no longer an inconvenience but rather an investment. A modest, seemingly inconsequential effort that often delivers huge dividends in reciprocity, returned respect and value which are priceless. But do them without expectation.
Are then the little things actually big things? I expect your mother thinks they are.
Thank you.