Say Nothing
You have a right to say nothing.
Anything you do say will be misunderstood.
We will do our best to misconstrue, misinterpret,
and misunderstand every phrase you utter.
Every word will be dissected, analysed, reappraised and twisted
until it means what we want to hear not what you wanted us to hear.
Meaning is the exclusive right of the reader and listener.
What you meant is what we say you meant.
What you say means what we say it means.
So say nothing.
And we will interpret your nothing as we see fit.
We will understand your nothing as a refusal to endorse,
we will hear your nothing as failure to criticise and a failure to support,
as a silent acquiesence, a non vocal appeasement, a backing non-vocal.
You have backtracked by your very silence,
you have failed in your duty to speak up in support:
to support, to aid, to assist or help the cause,
to resist, to desist, or merely to placate.
When you had the chance you were silent.
When we gave you a platform you said nothing.
Your empty mouth mouthed empty words
of hate, of bile, of contempt, of bias, of of,
of of, of of, of of.
You are guilty of
You are derivative of
You are a reinstatement of
a copy of, a new of of an older of
a reborn of, a neo of…
Of off.
So what have you got to say?
What have you got to say now?
What have you got to say for yourself?
Oh, it’s just about you is it?
No one else matters, no one else gets a say.
You intend to use your position, your power, your influence
and your personal authority for your own personal gain.
To weasel out with weasel words when we know all along.
We know. We heard. We heard what you didn’t say
as clearly as we heard when you said.
Your narcissistic first person proclamations don’t wash here.
Your me me memes are mealy mouthed protestations,
the feeble defence of a hypocritic oaf.
Wash out your mouth and start again.
Go on. Say something.
Say anything.
N. E. Thing.
Thank you.
Your silence is truly revealing.
Your refusal to refute is the most futile of gestures.
You failure to stand up for your silence is an acceptance of a silent meaning,
a wordless conspiracy,
a non textual affirmation of prior defamation.
Guilt by association.
Are you resigned?
Will you resign?
You will be reassigned.
You will sign.
You will sign the words we put in front of you;
the phrases and letters we set out for you;
the Apologies, Briefings & Clarifications we have written for you.
The meanings you meant when you said what you said.
The meanings you meant when you wrote what we read.
Your word not ours.
Your signature.
Your voice.
And we will interpret it all as we will.
Because we will.
Because we do.
And this text is for you.
Say something.
Pastoral care for the corporate world
3 年I like this. It needs to be read aloud.