They say that "love is love," "It is not!"

They say that "love is love," "It is not!"

And I remembrance and it has been brought back to my own remembrance how; 30 years ago in an anointed conversation between my Teacher, who is my Lord. Revealed to me in a dream and in a vision;

How one day soon the Homosexuals and lesbians along with child molesters and human traffickers will come about in the openness of claiming and declaring that theirs to is a way of life and that they should be loved and be allowed to love in the ways in manners of love.

“That love is love!”

Not all that seems to be love is true love at all, but only the mocking and presented Opposite, of the True Love which God created us each from and within!

Out of Himself did He created all mankind, both male and female, giving them authority over every other creation He created!

Man became desirous in becoming also, greater and as God Himself! The main difference being from how Lucifer, was also created by God, as one of the most All-powerful beings ever created by God, full of Beauty and wisdom along with understanding created as the chief of all music and music abilities.

The difference in the two creative beings, is that one had the full understanding of who they were and the power provided by God yet under God.

While the other man was created without the knowledge of good and evil.

God knew because He created all things, and nothing has ever been created that has been created without God in it.

God created Lucifer as he was, is and shall always be, but God created mankind out of the dust and clay of the earth having to breathe the first breath of God's life into the man, in order for the man to become alive.

God knew that man would fall, surrendering all that He had created and even man's own individual selves over to the following of the trickery and evilness in which Lucifer had become.

So, in order for God to defeat and do away with evilness, lawlessness, corruption, and all of the troubles which would bring about the downfall and destruction of His creation that He loves so much.

God even before the foundations of the world, He put in place, He knew that He would have to bring about a Way for the knowledgeable man, now of both good and evil and all of mankind to return back into the creation in which He created all mankind to be.

So truly and without doubt and without compromise action, did God take His word making it flesh naming Him Jesus and sent Him into the world.

Yet, mankind themselves individually and up on their own purpose and will given to them by God, has chosen to also try and reject God, placing themselves individually above God believing that they no longer need God even to the point of teaching new generations that there is no difference between evil and good.

Teaching the youth over the decades and generations "that they can be whatever they want to be as long as they also are willing to reject everything and everyone including God Himself as the only true love."

Performing and taking on the very image in which Lucifer himself became. deciding themselves, to become the very same type of evilness which lucifer, so became.

Knowing even that hell was never created for mankind, yet deciding upon their own desires and will, to become by following the pathway which is wide and many will follow, as pure evilness.

Man, no longer needing lucifer even to follow their own pathway, of total desaturation, by themselves, becoming one of the fallen at first followers after satan's ways, and hell was created for satan and all of the fallen angles who decided to also try and place themselves above God, The Creator of all Creations.

Love is not simply just love, in the same manner as evil is in no way good, nor wrong has to become right.

These are all but helps, assistance, trickery, treachery, evilness from high places entering into the minds of mankind in order of giving all which God create a good, their own free will and on purpose choosing that which is not of God at all over all that is God.

Now the anointing along with the prosthetic proof acknowledgment that God is and that He rewards those who diligently seek after Him, has become my own manifestation within the anointed Holy Spirit of all wisdom and knowledge and all understanding. Not of my own by any means, but by God's Spirit.

Yet, myself remain at this time in time created also by God, for mankind alone, but a mere human man, seeing dimly in a mirror, remaining on earth with a sinful decaying human body.

My spirit in my soul sure of all the creation of God knowing that God is and that he truly rewards Those who diligently seek after Him. causing all of God's creation, to long and work with me, in my reconciliation, of my own on purpose, striving after God as He desires me to be.

Continuing and knowing that my own righteousness as a human fallen man remains as dirty rags before God almighty.

Yet on purpose have I only decided, to follow after the Pathway, God so created when He created His Word into flesh after God, Gods word, God made flesh and sent into the world for all mankind, to freely believe and continue to grow and learn my own placement and reason for my own being created from God, by God and for God.

For God‘s word is the only truth in this life offered by God, for God, from God, for each and every one of us individually and on purpose to first believe without doubting that Jesus Christ is the Word of God, created by God, from God, for God, and for all mankind's ability to become redeemed and delivered back into the original all powerful never ending new beginning as a new creature in Christ Jesus.

No longer believing the fantasies, the lies, the trickery, the deception, the lawlessness, of having to surrender forever and on purpose to the perverted offerings and suggestions brought about because of another created perfect creation, who himself decided to reject God, who also was from God, and for God!

No longer having to surrender to my own rags of righteousness, but with my spirit and with my soul so I choose to soar as a young eagle in the spiritual blessings already given into myself knowing and in faith with actions now freely living spiritually and so fully within the kingdom of heaven which dwells within my own creative being; no longer as dirty rags of righteousness but inherited in to the Father God Almighty and His purpose for creating me for Himself.

Knowing that God truly is the only comprehension of true love which last now and forever more.

Now I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ nor of the enemy am I afraid, because I know they had a shadow of a doubt where doubt doesn’t nor ever had ever lived nor abided!

What is the righteousness of God Almighty to Christ Jesus God's Word made flesh and sent Him into the world in order that I might diligently seek first after His kingdom and His righteousness that He has so freely given into me, making me His very temple upon this earth even as I abide with Him in His kingdom and His righteousness, which He came after me in.

So this very same offer, has God who is compassionate and His passion of love which He is, reaches out for each and everyone, ever created to come to return to the love of God that passes all human understanding in order that we each may be now and forever more the love of God on earth as it is in the heavens; on purpose within our own willingness and desire about loving God with all of our heart, all of our soul and all of our strength, and loving one another not in the flash and fantasy fake love offered by man to the suggestions provided and offered by Lucifer himself.

I have decided to mount up and ride with the Lord Jesus Christ now and forever more and everything and everywhere I may find myself in this life, one thing I know is that not one nor myself will ever find ourselves without our God, our Savior, our Teacher.

Knowing that, God is the only one who is all places at all times, now that I abide in Him as He is, so am I.

Freely given and freely allowed to soar spiritually and so fully within His goodness, His mercy, His grace and all guidance of His Holy Spirit; facing every situation, every trial, every tribulation and every trouble along with every already knowledgeable and excepted revelation of the ending of all things including myself. Spiritually knowing, I am already redeemed, delivered and saved which has become my more than enough, my Father, "Who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in the heavens".

By and in and through and living within Jesus, whom, the Son sets free, is free indeed!

By my own faith this is my testimony as I continue to soar like the young eagle restored, delivered, redeem, saved and washed by the blood of the lamb of God.

“What about you?”



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