Say, I’m Sorry & I Forgive with a difference, in Ed I’m Sorry & I Forgive Pledge Campaign
Edwin Usiade
Campaigner and Fundraiser, shaped by life's twists. Championing Causes | Driving Change | Fundraising | Social Enterprise UK. ??
I never really understood the depth of the song ’’Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word’’ by Sir Elton John until sometime late last year (2021). I sat down at the kitchen table one evening doing an?end-of-the-year relationship stock check,?on my professional and personal life.
I realised that I have wronged some people, to whom I needed to apologise and vice versa. Then I thought about other people in similar or worse-off situations, who have wronged and?been wronged but never had the chance to amend their wrongs.
The anger, loss and regrets are all bottled up inside, waiting to explode one fateful day like a time bomb. At the same time, I understood that conflict will always be a part of life.
For instance, who on earth would have thought Will Smith will walk up to the stage and spank Chris Rock on the face or that The Russian President will attack Ukraine?
I also understood that revenge was not a solution because two wrongs cannot make a right. Instead, everyone deserves the right to make?amends?for their wrongs, even myself. This realisation triggered a burning need in my heart to do things differently moving forward.
The experience inspired me to start Ed Associates Creation and Ed Resolution Campaign Brand. To design elegant, vibrant and unique fashion T-Shirt, Jackets and Hoodies to promote campaigns on subjects people can relate to and have fun too wearing, as their signature expression or fashion statement.
In addition, freely nominate their favourite UK charity for the chance to Win the Ed Resolution Campaign Brand Award. When you purchase any of the campaign apparel, eg Ed T-Shirt, Jackets and Hoodies at or
The Ed I'm Sorry & I Forgive Pledge Campaign?is my first campaign. It is also a Charity Focussed Campaign.?This means that I will award the Ed Resolution Campaign Brand Award to the charity with the highest nomination, as nominated by you for their good works.
The Ed Resolution Campaign Brand Award is the percentage of the total proceeds, after the end of the campaign. None UK residents are not eligible to nominate a charity.
My campaign goal is to unite the people that find it hardest to say I’m Sorry and I Forgive and the people that are happy to say I’m Sorry and I Forgive to say it with a difference in Ed I'm Sorry & I Forgive Pledge Campaign.
However, the fact still remains that I cannot promote this campaign on my own without you. Conflict, on the other hand, itself is life and life is conflict. It will never end. But together we can build a local and global community of men, women, teenagers and children passionate about supporting charitable causes and making a difference in society.
Ed Resolution Campaign Duration:
The Ed I'm Sorry & I Forgive Pledge Campaign will run from 19 August 2022 to 31 October 2022.
The Charity Award date for Ed Resolution Campaign, Ed I'm Sorry & I Forgive Pledge Campaign will take place on the 31st?of November 2022.?
Thank you for supporting the Ed Resolution Campaign Brand, Ed I'm Sorry & I Forgive Pledge Campaign.
?UpComing Ed Resolution Campaigns:
1.?Ed Black History Month (BHM) Pledge Campaign
2. Ed SayNo2Kinfe Violence Pledge Campaign
3. Ed Val’s Lovers Month Pledge Campaign?
4. EdNo2Domestic Violence Pledge Campaign
5. Ed Mother’s Day Pledge Campaign
6. Ed Father’s Day Pledge Campaign
7. Ed Christmas Pledge Campaign?and more Campaigns in the pipeline…